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Essay Instructions:
Biopsychosocial Framework To prepare for this assignment, please watch the following video about the Institute on Aging’s Friendship Line and review their website. The Friendship Line was created in 1973 as both a crisis intervention hotline and a warmline for non-emergency emotional support calls for adults aged 60 and over. Then, watch Loneliness Challenges: Jo's Story. Assignment Directions For this assignment, you will use Express Capture to record a 3- to 5-minute audio imagining that Jo has called the Friendship Line and that you answered her call. Review the developmental considerations in assessment in late adulthood on page 497 of the text and complete the following assessment (be sure to include biological, psychological, and social factors). Use the Unit 9 Assignment Template to note your responses to the assignment questions and help guide your audio submission. You will need to submit this file along with your audio response. Please address all of the following: Presenting Problem What is (are) Jo’s problem(s)? Provide a list. Predisposing Factors Identify at least two factors that contributed to the development of the problem(s) throughout her life. Categorize each factor as biological, psychological, or social. Precipitating Factors Why is she seeking help now? (You may have to create your answer to this question based on the video. Why do you imagine that she might be calling the Friendship Line?) Perpetuating Factors Identify at least two factors that are reinforcing or maintaining her problem(s). Categorize each factor as biological, psychological, or social. Protective Factors What strengths can Jo draw on? Imagine that you are on the phone with Jo. What three questions would you like to ask her, based on your biopsychosocial assessment above? (Be sure to consult the developmental considerations in late adulthood on page 497 of your text.) What intervention would you suggest for Jo? Assignment Guidelines: The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose that is clearly established and sustained. The communication of your thoughts must be highly ordered, logical, and unified, displaying exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics (including the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure). Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs, using appropriate personal and professional insights. Your responses should meet professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate and reflect knowledge of human services. Include a reference page with at least two scholarly sources to support your responses and conclusions. One should be your text and one should be for the intervention you suggested. Be sure the resource(s) are listed in current APA format and citation style. TEXTBOOK: Empowerment Series: Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Multidimensional Perspective Jose B. Ashford
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Unit 9 Assignment: Biopsychosocial Framework Name: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs, using appropriate personal and professional insights.  Presenting Problem What is (are) Jo’s problem(s)? Provide a list. Jo's loneliness and social isolation which come from her belonging to LGBTQ+ community are one of the reasons of her feelings. While this community can sometimes overcome the stigma and discrimination society brings, it still seems that it often experiences exclusion and alienation. Individuals belonging to the LGBTQ+ may find it difficult to get the necessary contents and understanding from the mainstream society, thereby, having little meaningful connections and available social support networks. As a result, Jo will want to get separated from people more and thereby experiencing a really high level of loneliness and aloneness (Campaign to End Loneliness, 2014).Jo's fear of dying solitary, with no one to notice wavers back and emphasizes her profound loneliness and social isolation. This apprehension is brought to maximum by the absence of a social support network or fellowship with close relations that would tend to take away all the fear. The fear of death and unwelcome visits can also be augmented by Jo's encounters of discrimination and rejection, which can even serve to make her believe that she is not wanted and loved by others (Campaign to End Loneliness, 2014).Little doubt remains that the abuse Jo has undergone due to her sexual orientation has dramatically increased feelings of loneliness and isolation in her. Due to the discrimination in place, the LGBTQ+ people still suffer from incidences of discrimination such as maltreatment, discrimination, and social exclusion. Such negative encounters can have multiple effects on mental health, producing insecurity and other problems resulting in low-valued estimations and social avoidance. Jo's encounters with individuals, who have mistreated her in his sexual orientation, in addition to other experiences, also worsens her feeling of rejection and isolation from the whole community (Campaign to End Loneliness, 2014).Jo's loneliness and social isolation which come from her belonging to LGBTQ+ community are one of the reasons of her feelings. While this community can sometimes overcome the stigma and discrimination society brings, it still seems that it often experiences exclusion and alienation. Individuals belonging to the LGBTQ+ may find it difficult to get the necessary contents and understanding from the mainstream society, thereby, having little meaningful connections and available social support networks. As a result, Jo will want to get separated from people more and thereby experiencing a really high level of loneliness and aloneness (Campaign to End Loneliness, 2014).Jo's fear of dying solitary, with no one to notice wavers back and emphasizes her profound loneliness and social isolation. This apprehension is brought to maximum by the absence of a social support network or fellowship with close relations that would tend to take away all the fear. The fear of death and unwelcome visits can also be augmented by Jo's encounters of discrimination and rejection, which can even serve to make her believe that she is not wanted and loved by others (Campaign to End Loneliness, 2014).Little doubt remains that the abuse Jo has undergone due to her sexual orientation has dramatically increased feelings of loneliness and isolation in her. Due to the discrimination in place, the LGBTQ+ people still suffer from incidences of discrimination such as maltreatment, discrimination, and social exclusion. Such negative encounters can have multiple effects on mental health, producing insecurity and other problems resulting in low-valued estimations and social avoidance. Jo's encounters with individuals, who have mistreated her in his sexual orientation, in addition to other experiences, also worsens her feeling of rejection and isolation from the whole community (Campaign to End Loneliness, 2014). Predisposing Factors Identify at le...
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