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History of Mathematics: Contributions of Mathematicians

Essay Instructions:

Read Sections 8.3 and 8.4.
1. (4pts) Newton's contributions (pages 386-408); minimum 200 words.
2. (4pts) Leibniz's contributions (pages 409-430); minimum 200 words.
3. (2pts) Agnesi and Chatelet's contributions (pages 430-432). minimum 100 words.

Read Chapter 9.
Optional readings: Pascal and the Cycloid (P452-454) and De Mere's Problems of Points (P454-456). Examples for Mathematical Induction (P461-466) and how to calculate probabilities (P485-489) are given in the videos under MP9, so you may skip these sections or refer to them when watching the video.

1. (3pts) the origin and development of Probability (must include two examples of applications of probability; page 439-446); minimum 150 words
2. (2pts) Pascal's contributions (pages 446-466 skip math examples); minimum 100 words
3. (3pts) Bernoullis family's contributions (pages 468-478); minimum 150 words
4. (2pts) Laplace's contributions (pages 478-489). minimum 100 words

Essay Sample Content Preview:

History of Mathematics
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Just like biologists, chemists, geologists, and astronomers, mathematicians have contributed to science and technology for years. Their job is to search and use different patterns and formulas to resolve a variety of mathematical problems. With proper use of logic and abstraction, mathematicians need to develop numerous measuring instruments, systems and techniques to obtain desired results. Mathematicians like Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Émilie du Châtelet, and Isaac Newton not only contributed to their respective fields but also to medicines, finance, social sciences and engineering (Burton, 2010).
Isaac Newton’s Contributions to Mathematics
Sir Isaac Newton was an English astronomer, physicist, and mathematician. He was the first to predict that the Earth was round in shape. The theory Newton formulated in this regard was later proved correct by the measurements of La Condamine, Maupertuis, and other mathematicians. Isaac Newton’s contributions to the study of power series cannot be forgotten (Burton, 2010, p. 388). He presented different formulas and the binomial theorem, developed methods for approximating roots of the functions, and divided the cubic plane curve into different categories and types to ease the work of other scientists. His three laws of motions are a must part of the syllabus at various schools and colleges (Burton, 2010).
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s Contributions to Mathematics
Born in 1646, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was a German physicist and mathematician who received recognition for his incredible contributions to both mathematics and philosophy. He was the first who developed theories of integral and differential calculus. His notation is widely used, and world’s top mathematicians still appreciate Gottfried's Transcendental Law of Homogeneity and Law of Continuity (Burton, 2010, p. 411). Wilhelm Leibniz’s mechanical calculator named as Leibniz wheel had a limited number of functions but was admired due to its unique characteristics. He also developed the pinwheel calculator in the 16th century and improved the binary number system. Both Newton and Gottfried share credit for developing a lot of mathematical theories and basic formulas (Burton, 2010).
Maria Gaetana Agnesi and Émilie du Châtelet’s Contributions to Mathematics
Born in Italy, Maria Gaetana Agnesi was a mathematician and philosopher who wrote a large number of handbooks on math. She is famous for writing the first book on integral and differential calculus. Maria devoted a large part of her life to charitable work, but this never distracted her attention from her scientific projects. Throughout her life, Gaetana Agnesi formulated different mathematical theories (Burton, 2010, p. 431). Just like Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Gabrielle Émilie de Breteuil was a mathematician by profession. Born in France, this lady gained quick recognition due to her translation of Newton’s popular book Principia. In her commentary, Breteuil shed light on different laws of motion and energy. Her ideas and concepts were heavily supported and appreciated by world’s top mathematicians and physicists. In the 18th century, she advocated kinetic energy and revised Willem's Gravesande’s experiment, adding more details to his theory (B...
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