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Development and Application of Probability Theory

Essay Instructions:

Each student is required to write an in-depth project paper about 1800 words, double spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12, 1 inch margin, not including the title page and reference page. The paper must be a detailed study of the history of some topic (for instance, an important theorem) or person in mathematics. You may choose your topic from your textbook or watching mathematical videos. It cannot be all history or all mathematics. You should use many different research materials, from articles to books to the internet. Papers are not to be simple downloaded articles by other writers found on the world wide web, but must represent the result of your own studies and reflections based on your own reading and study. The percentage of direct quotes should not be more than 25% of the whole paper. The percentage can be found by clicking on SA Reports after submitting your paper through SafeAssignment on Blackboard.

• 46-60: The paper begins with a good thesis (argument) and is well-organized. The factual material is accurate and is relevant to the thesis. The mathematics is correct. The ideas are presented in a clear and logical fashion, and the arguments are supported by the evidence. The paper demonstrates a sound understanding of the period and of the issues. There are no spelling or grammatical errors, and the writing is clear and effective.

• 31-45: The thesis is relatively weak or is only partially supported by evidence. Some of the evidence presented is incorrect, or contradicts the thesis. Some relevant evidence is missing. Some statements indicate an incomplete understanding of the mathematics and science or of the historical situation. The style needs improvement and/or there are a few spelling and grammatical errors.

• 16-30: The paper has a weak thesis and the thesis is poorly supported by evidence. The paper is entirely descriptive or shows confusion about key facts and concepts. Facts that are covered are not well related to the thesis, or contradict it. The sources are mostly tertiary sources of dubious quality. The paper contains rudimentary or stereotypical generalizations that reflect a poor understanding of the subject. There are significant spelling or grammatical errors, or there are enough stylistic problems to make it hard to follow what you want to say.

• 0-15: The paper contains no thesis and demonstrates a very poor knowledge of the subject matter. It shows little evidence of original thought. The writing is very hard to understand, laced with spelling and grammatical errors, and uses words inappropriately. There are only one or two sources, and those are of dubious quality. The paper shows signs of having been written very quickly.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Development of Probability Theory
The Development of Probability Theory
According to Merriam Webster Online Dictionary (2018), probability is the ‘ratio of the number of outcomes in an exhaustive set of equally likely outcomes that produce a given event to the total number of possible outcomes.’ Simply put, it is the chance that a given event will occur. Therefore, for probability, there must be several mathematical axioms which must be met to accurately predict the likelihood of a certain event. The first axiom is that the ‘probability of any event is a nonnegative real number.’ This means that there is no negative probability and the lowest chance is zero, and it cannot be infinite. Therefore, the probable set of numbers that an event can have are just real numbers. The second axiom of probability is that ‘the probability of the entire sample space is one.’ This means that anything with absolute certainty has a probability of 100% or one. The final axiom is that ‘the probability deals of mutually exclusive events are mutually exclusive.’ Therefore, the probability of the sum of more than one event is the sum of the probabilities. It may be easy to understand these axioms and guess that they were incepted when probability theory was incepted, however, the definition and reference of the theorem has evolved for centuries.
The first person who developed an interest in analyzing probability mathematically is Gerolamo Cardan who wrote a rudimentary manuscript that attempted to explain the probability of certain outcome when dice are rolled. Gambling prompted mathematicians, scientists, and players to explore an idea that could determine the chance of a future event stemming from the necessity to achieve a predictable balance between risks and the probable gain from them. Gamblers wanted to have developed a formula that gave them certainty in their participation such that they could increase their potential gain and protect themselves against potential losses. The people who are credited with the inception of the probability theory are Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) and Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665). The two were contemplating a mathematical problem posed by Chevalier de Mere in 1654 on probability. There is documented correspondence of Pascal and Fermat on the subject which laid the fundamental groundwork for the theory.
In what they called the problem of the dice (Berlinghoff & Gouvêa, 2004), the question posed by Chevalier sparked further inquiry in solving questions based on probable outcomes. From their correspondence, there are two interesting points that come up. Pascal decided to pursue the method which his Italian predecessors had given up on the problem of the points and declared there exists no determined solution that can be used to determine the division of stakes. Pascal gave a formula that asserted that if one player required n victories to win the stakes, then the other lacked m victories. Pascal developed the Pascal triangle using this concept to determine the probable winner for every game.
The second interesting point fronted by pascal enumerated all possible events once the game continued. He described a scenario in which if the two players were to play three games; there would be either of the following outcomes. Assuming player A won a game and player B won b games. The probable outcome of the three games would be aaa, aab, aba, abb, baa, bab, bba, bbb. This shows there is a 1/8 chance that player B could win the game. From their correspondence, Pascal made a very compelling observation on how probabilities occur, and he set the ground for future derivations of the concept which has since transcended gambling sphere and incorporated in many other fields.
Blaise Pascal and Pierre Fermat’s laid the foundation for subsequent research and development of the principles of probability theory, which led to its numerous application in mathematics and other fields such as actuarial science and statistics. Among the early developers of Pascal and Fermat’s work on probability theory was a Dutch scientist from Hague named Christian Huygens. Christian Huygens was one of the leading scientists in Europe in the 17th century evident in his wide recognition for his contribution to the fields of mathematics, physics, and astronomy CITATION Dav11 \l 2057 (Burton, 2011). The Dutch scientist built on Pascal’s principle of expectation in the game of chance or dice as it was commonly known and his findings on the concept gave birth to the first publication on probability in 1657 referred to as, De Ratiociniis in Ludo Aleae. Huygens supported Pascal’s argument that both players in a game of chance have the right to expect winning the next point in the game and enhancing their chances of taking the entire wins for the game. In seconding Pascal’s method of expectations, Huygens argued that the value paid or rather the price paid for the game equalled the player’s chances for the net wins from the side payments of both players in a fair game. Christian Huygens’ treatise, De Ratiociniis in Ludo Aleae, provoked further scholarly research on the subject of probability as it made the founding principles of Pascal and Fermat popular various intellects who made significant contributions in developing the theory. The Dutch scientist included in his publication five questions on fair odds in a game of chance, including those previously solved during Pascal’s correspondence with Fermat in 1964 CITATION Dav11 \l 2057 (Burton, 2011). The problems outlined in Huygens treatise coupled with emerging queries from other popular games of odds or chances in the 17th century was the onset of extensive research on the subject and its further application in other disciplines in and outside the academic world.
One of the major breakthroughs in the development of the prob...
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