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2 pages/≈550 words
Mathematics & Economics
English (U.S.)
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Inflation and unemployment. Mathematics & Economics Essay

Essay Instructions:


How do inflation and unemployment affect the economy in terms of growth (use U.S. as an example)?

Conduct research from viable and credible sources such as, and not limited to, economic journals, periodicals, books, databases, and websites. This assignment should be submitted/uploaded via BC Online on the date the assignment is due. Any late assignment will be subject to a letter grade reduction unless an extension has been negotiated with the professor prior to the due date.

In this written assignment, the quality of your writing and the application of APA format will be evaluated in addition to your content. Evaluation based on these criteria is designed to help you prepare your college projects, which must be well-written and follow APA guidelines. Each written assignment should contain a minimum of 300 words, but no more than 500 words. Make sure that you use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Please correctly cite every source that you use.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Inflation and Unemployment
Inflation and Unemployment
How inflation and unemployment affect the economy in terms of growth?
Inflation and unemployment are two issues which greatly impact a country’s economy. While in some instances they could be related directly, and inflation could directly influence unemployment rates, their effects on a country’s economy differ. Listening to economists argue reveals several things regarding these issues. One is that unemployment cannot be completely erased and that there is a certain level which will always be present. Another thing is that unemployment impacts a country on three fronts: the individual, the society, and the government. When it comes to inflation, one gathers that its fluctuation can either be good or bad for the economy of a country. Essentially, if it is on the rise and continues to high levels, the economy of a country can suffer greatly. However, if it is controlled and is maintained at reasonable levels, it is plausible that the economy may be positively influenced. Therefore, the effects of inflation and unemployment are quite real, and they are as explained below.
Inflation leads to a decrease in savings as people prefer to spend their money now rather than save it for later. When inflation occurs, it simply means that a person’s savings will be able to buy less in the coming months or years. Therefore, people tend to spend their savings as they try to protect themselves from the disadvantage of having a lot of money but being able to buy fewer assets.
Aside from the ab...
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