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Why The Organizations Change Management Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

For your final project, you are to choose from one of the topics below that we have discussed in this course so far. (This project is worth 30% of your course grade.)

Images of Managing Change

Why Organizations Change

What Changes in Organizations

Diagnosis for Change

Resistance to Changes

On the topic, you choose you are required to research and present how that topic impacts a Business and how it is addressed in the business world today. Your presentation must be framed in terms of the documented source material. You are expected to analyze the topic, highlight the history or background of the key issues, and provide an example of a specific company and how they handled this topic. Lastly you should include your own recommendations on how this issue should be addressed in the future.

You should use at least 4 references and you must cite all your sources.

Any plagiarism will result in an automatic 0 grade.

Your paper must be 5-7 pages long, not including any title page or reference page. It must be double spaced with times roman 12 font.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Why Organizations Change
Why Organizations Change
Change is an external process that happens to employees, and it goes beyond the transition which entails the internal/psychological process in the mind of a person during the change process. Therefore, change in an organization requires guidance whereby the managers and leaders use their skills to guide employees to reach their potential while ensuring that the enterprise meets its objectives. Such change is necessary for successful implementation of various activities to achieve the objectives and goals of a company. Thus, leaders need to convince people whose motives are uncomfortable with the change to avoid resistance. According to William Bridges (1991) on Managing Transitions, the transition model does not focus on change but a transition. Thus, the transition model elaborates organizational change as a slow process involving shift that happens in stages namely ending, neutral zone and a new beginning. Consequently, people pass through all the three stages in their pace in a comfortable way. Nevertheless, some people take longer to reach the third stage (Bridges 1991). The current work elaborates why organizations change concerning Fit Bit Inc.
History and Background of Organizational Change
The organizational change had a long history from ancient Egypt when the pharaohs struggled with the need to change the organizations that constructed the pyramids to cope with the continual and dynamic demands of the leaders, a need for expansion, performance and ensuring excellence in businesses among others (Reuters, 2018).
The contemporary companies continue to realize the benefits of change especially in the gain of competitive advantage and survival of such ventures. Thus, the management shifts the focus on the development of a brand portfolio, ensure acquisition strategies and improve on social responsibilities besides giving back to the community and welcoming the environmental friendly operations through innovation in the product safety. For example, Fit Bit Inc as a health and fitness device provider enterprise needed change to successfully provide a wearable device for tracking data regarding the health of a person. James Park and Eric N. Friedman established the company in 2007 in San Francisco City to develop wearable devices for tracking data regarding the health of a person. Thus, it provides wrist-based equipment that monitors users' daily steps; distance traveled calories that a person burns as well as active minutes (Reuters, 2018). The device henceforth displays the feedback in real time. Moreover, it gives information on sleep quality and duration, floors that a person climbs, heart rate as well as details on speed, exercise routes, and distance based on speed. Separately, the operations of the Fit Bit Inc include a combination of devices with the software services coupled with online dashboards, mobile apps, social tools, motivational tools, virtual coaching and personalized insights among others (Reuters, 2018).
The management team in Fit Bit Inc realized a need to reach many clients to meet their healthcare needs. Hence, it ventured in doing tremendous work in connection with the health and fitness market. Such endeavors required various changes to meet the requirements. First, the company needed new leadership to spearhead the development of wearable devices. Thus, changes occurred to senior leadership that revamped growth and return to the profitability (Reuters, 2018). Besides, the company management realized a need to promote senior personnel such as Samir Kapoor who is the Vice President of Engineering for Senior Vice President of Device Engineering. Samir has twenty years of experience in engineering management with the Qualcomm. Thus, he would provide expertise in streamlining all the integration between hardware, firmware and advance R&D coupled up with speeding all the product development processes (Reuters, 2018).
Separately, the top management of Fit Bit Company realized a need to compete well in the market. Therefore, the administration brought Jeff Devine as the current Executive Vice President of Operations. Jeff has the experience in operations that embrace scaling up global technology brands. Thus, he had many skills gained from enterprises such as HP, Cisco, and Nokia. As a result, Jeff became in charge of all operations, quality and customer service (Reuters, 2018). Before, the recruitment of the two experienced employees, Fit Bit Inc lost two of his senior technocrats namely Tim Roberts and Woody Scal who were Executive Vice President on Interactive and Chief Business Officer respectively (Reuters, 2018). The two employees were instrumental with Woody who developed a state-of-art health and fitness brand and launching it to the digital health. Thus, his leadership contributed to $ 2 billion in revenue from $ 5 million with more than 60 million devices sold in more than 50, 000 stores globally. On the other hand, Tim developed the world's most significant health and fitness social networks where Fit Bit users interact (Reuters, 2018).
Critical Reasons for Change in Fit Bit Inc
The initial management system in Fit Bit Inc could not allow for engagement of employees. Most of the senior t leaders especially Woody and Tim acquired top leadership positions due to their expertise in their professions. Even though the company performed well in the market, it could not meet the competition trends in the market due to low return of investments after a loss of the two experienced expertise (Fit Bit Inc, 2017). For example, Ft Bit Inc registered its weakest returns that dropped by 19 percent due to low sales, manufacturing challenges, and low stock prices in November 2017. Thus, both James and Freidman realized a need to return to growth and profitability through reorganization of the property for proper execution of its operations (Fit Bit Inc, 2017).
Secondly, the management of Fit Bit Inc realized a need to meet consumer and business needs. Thus, the leadership needed to achieve the objectives by realigning its operations with a focus on consumer health and fitness coupled with the health of the enterprise. Hence, the top management proposed a need to deliver health and fitness devices, a way to penetrate new markets such as Smartwatches, and premium services that achieve personalized insight as well as guidance to consumers (Fit Bit Inc, 2017).
Lastly, Fit Bit Inc realized a need for expansion to work with insurance companies, health systems, healthcare partners and employ...
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