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Cultural Information Paper Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 4: Cultural Information Paper

Due in Week 10 and worth 300 points

Your new employee is going to be moving overseas! Develop a cultural information paper that will help them understand how to make the transition. (NOTE: You are able to choose any country–please make sure the county of choice is logical for the position.)

Include in this paper:

a short introduction to the country,

the local customs,

what to expect, and

a list of what is needed to work in the country.

For example: Certain countries require a work visa. Include the requirements for the work visa.

Include country-specific information needed to live and work in that country such as:

transportation availability,

housing costs,

union influence,

work week,

typical vacation time, and

anything specific to the country we would not experience in the US.

For example: Some countries the children wear uniforms and go to school all year

This paper should be 6-8 pages.

NOTE: The position moving overseas is the job in your description from Week 3. Find creative ways to incorporate your work from that assignment into this one.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.



Assignment 4: Cultural Information Paper

Due in Week 10 and worth 300 points


Your new employee is going to be moving overseas! Develop a cultural information paper that will help them understand how to make the transition. (NOTE: You are able to choose any country–please make sure the county of choice is logical for the position.)

Dr. Vic’s Tips: remember to write your paper as an HR manager with your audience being your employees going abroad. Do not just write a paper with no context – make sure you write it per the scenario above and as an HR manger.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

Include in this paper:

a short introduction to the country,

the local customs,

what to expect, and

a list of what is needed to work in the country. For example: Certain countries require a work visa. Include the requirements for the work visa.

Dr. Vic’s Tips: 1) write about the country by giving a general description of the geographic area, provide brief (two-three sentence) history of the country, and any important cultural, religious, political, conflict, or trade information widely known throughout that country.

2) then write about any local customs from the region you will sending employees – customs can include language, holidays, traditions of the area, celebrated festivals etc. 3) write about the actual experience from what to expect on day 1 though to day-to-day routines, try to be specific here with realistic expectations. You can also write about day-to-day things like local transportation (the bus or metro system) currency needs, where the local grocery store is located , where the nearest in-network clinic or hospital is located, and who to call if anything happens. 4) write about the documetns your employees might need, visas, passports, copy of birth certificate, government ID, consulate or Embassy documents, and important contact info from the company. If any of you have every sent employees abroad all of this likely sounds very familiar.

Include country-specific information needed to live and work in that country such as:

transportation availability,

Dr. Vic: cover available transportation options both locally and across the country. Trains, airports, local busses, taxi service and always provide an emergency transportation medium like a phone number employees can call to have a taxi or other transportation means come to them.

housing costs,

Dr. Vic: Cover how housing will be taken care of, for example will there be corporate housing, or will the employee need to find suitable reimbursable housing on their own – sometimes this is a very cost effective strategy for many smaller companies.

union influence,

Dr. Vic: provide union contact info if any and also union expectations.

work week,

Dr. Vic: Here cover the day-to-day and week-to-week work flow for employees, include work day schedule if different than 8a-5p – for example in some countries the work day lasts past 5:00pm and in other countries it ends before 5:00pm. Cover when lunch is typically taken and also when breaks, if any, can be taken.

typical vacation time, and

Dr. Vic: here cover vacation expectations especially if it is different than normal – that is, cover if vacation is earned at a different rate – for example if employee will earn vacation hours or credit diffident than normally. Also offer a trusted vacation travel agent phone number in order to facilitate employee’s safety as they might want to travel.

anything specific to the country we would not experience in the US. For example: Some countries the children wear uniforms and go to school all year

Dr. Vic: here try to focus on work customs and laws that might be different than normal in the U.S. Offer a Hotline phone number employee can call with questions regarding work place expectations.

Dr. Vic: overall, concentrate on employee safety and expectation as you write this cultural information paper.

Use at least two (2) quality academic resources in this assignment.

Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Information Paper
Cultural Information Paper
China is one of the nations with different cultures from those of other countries in the world. Therefore, people who are moving into the country should lean the new culture of the nation so as to improve their level of association with the local people. Hence, as a human resource manager, I will include a variety of information in preparing a cultural paper for one of the workers who is intending to move to China.
China is located in Asia and it is a large nation with the largest population size in the world and is considered the fifth in terms of area. The large size of the nation makes its customs to vary according to geography and ethnicity. Approximately, 1.4 billion of people live in China which is a statistical figure that was provided by the World Bank. The population size represents around 56 ethnic minority groups where the largest group is Han Chinese that has around 900 people (Harrington et al, 2015). The other groups include Naxi, Tibetans, Manchus, Mongols and Hezhen that is considered the smallest group and has around 2,000 people. Ostensibly, people within communities create their own beliefs in terms of language, religion, style, morals, food, marriage, and music. Therefore, the traditions vary significantly across the nation as every group has their cultures.
First, China has almost five official religions that include Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, Catholicism, and Protestantism that is considered illegal despite statement in the Chinese’s constitution that people have the freedom of religion. Unluckily, the majority of people in the area are atheists despite the fact that the nation is continuously becoming more tolerant of religions which has been seen in the past few decades. Further, around a quarter of the nation’s population practice Confucianism and Taoism as well as other traditional religions. However, there are small number of Christians, Buddhists, and Muslims present in the country. Contrarily, despite the fact that several Catholic and Protestant ministries have been established in the region since the 19th century, there are only few people whom have been converted.
However, there are seven major languages in the country which are very different considering their characteristics including how they are spoken. Actually, the languages in order of the number of people who speak them include Mandarin, Wu, Yue, Xiang, Min, and Gan which is the least spoken language in the county. However, Chinese dialects are considered very different where it is considered more of a language family than one language that contains a number of regional forms. The complexity of the dialect is severally analogous to the Romance language family that is found in the Europe. For instance, there is a great variation in the dialects of Chaozhou and Peking just as there is a variation in between the French and Italian languages. Nevertheless, the official language in the country is Pŭtōnghuà which is a type of Mandarin that is spoken in the capital city Beijing. Moreover, a sizeable number of Chinese people are fluent in English (Pennycook, 2017). The English language is taught in the schools in the nation which makes it to be a language that is commonly used in the country.
Similarly, just as every other aspect, the kind of food that is eaten in the country varies depending on the geographical region and ethnicity. Apparently, the primary styles of cooking in the nation include Cantonese which features stir-fried dishes. Also, there is Szechuan that relies on the use of peanuts, ginger, and sesame paste and the meal is famous for its spiciness. Nevertheless, rice is considered the main food source in the country and also the major crop that is grown in the nation for commercial and sustenance purposes. The other staple foods in their diet include scallions, cabbage and sprouts. The people in the nation do not frequently consume meat but they occasionally eat chicken or pork. However, tofu is considered the primary source of protein for people in the region.
Nevertheless, the art work in the nation is greatly influenced by the Chinese rich mystical and spiritual history. Several paintings and sculptures indicates the spiritual figures of Buddhism, and, also many musical instruments that are used are integrated to the Chinese culture including the guqin which is found in the zither family and the flute-like xun instrument. Luckily, Eastern martial arts style was also developed in China which is similarly considered to be the birthplace for Kung-fu fighting technique. The Kung-fu fighting technique is based on animal movements and it was created in the middle of the 1600s. Notwithstanding, the ancient Chinese people were seriously involved in writing and philosophy which was seen mainly during the Qing and Ming dynasties. The same is reflected in the nation’s rich liturgical history.
Moreover, China has place a lot of money in advancing science and it is considered to be challenging the US currently in terms of scientific research. Some of the items in the nation that prove their advancement in technology is the new bullet train which is a high speed train used for transportation purposes. Similarly, the country has invested a lot on teleportation with a new record for quantum teleportation distance. Additionally, the nation has the largest festival which is known as the Spring Festival that marks the start of the Lunar New Year. The festival occurs between the middle of January and that of February and it is considered the time to honor ancestors.
Actually, people migrating to China should expect to live a largely populated area and a society with large number of females than males. The variation in the gender ratio is due to the previous laws that were enacted to control the...
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