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Interview a manager. Management Essay. The empowered manager

Essay Instructions:

Interview a manager (in person or virtually) about the way she/he empowers employees, to get a better understanding of the practical implications and challenges of implementing empowerment in the workplace. A list of questions to begin engagement with the manager are provided in the text and additional questions you add can enhance your analysis.

Minimum questions to be analyzed and discussed in your assignment.

Analyzing the manager’s answers, assess and determine the degree to which this manager successfully uses empowerment.

What are some actions and approaches you might consider and why?

What empowerment actions or approaches discussed by the manager, would trigger your view of “not a chance I'd try this!” and why?

Add additional analysis about empowerment sourced from your interview, experience or reputable resources.

Each of the four questions/points above, in addition to describing the manager's viewpoints, is critical to the assignment expectations.

Supporting questions for the manager are in text: This assignment can be supported by reviewing the empowerment portions of Chapter 18 and the questions in Exercise 18-G. You can add additional questions.

The assignment should contain at least one reference.

"Interview a manager about the way she or he empowers employees. (You might need to defi ne the term.) Ask the manager questions such as: ■ How many direct reports do you have? ■ Do you consider them to be effective performers? Why or why not? ■ Do you consider them to be trustworthy? Why or why not? ■ In what ways do you empower your employees? ■ Is this process successful? Why or why not? ■ If you were called out on a two-week assignment, is there an employee you would feel comfortable putting in charge of your unit? Why or why not? ■ What concerns would you have in doing so? ■ In what ways does an empowering management philosophy help or hinder your suc- cess as a manager? Based on his or her answers, would you say this manager used empowerment success- fully? Defend your answer with examples shared in your interview."

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Interview a Manager
Interview a Manager
Employee empowerment which is a way of giving a certain level of autonomy and responsibility to workers on the organizational task’s decision making process is crucial for the success of a firm. However, the practical implications and challenges of implementing the plan can be understood better by receiving information from managers on how they empower employees. Hence, the work focuses on an interview with a manager to receive data regarding the issue and an analysis of the information obtained.
The manager’s response regarding list of questions on the topic was recorded. The first question was to obtain information on the size of direct reports that the manager had. Actually, the manager had few direct reports from the employees. The manager encourages high level of autonomy in the organization regarding the degree at which the employees can make their personal choices when conducting their work. Also, the manager considers the firm’s workers to be effective performers because they always make the right choices when conducting their activities. Only a few workers needed more attention in guiding them through their tasks while most of them could make their personal choices regarding their responsibilities. Unluckily, the manager explained that there are certain cases of mistrust that had been reported on the part of the workers who are more in independent on their tasks. The workers are less monitored and some exploits the opportunity to engage in making self-interest decisions. Nevertheless, the cases are not much frequent and the manager concluded that he places some level of trust on his employees but not fully to avoid such actions on the part of employees from becoming more severe.
However, the manager uses various methods to empower his employees including setting boundaries over which they can make personal choices. The limits help in preventing the workers from engaging in crucial decisions that require the opinion of the top managers. Additionally, the manager listens to his employees’ opinions before making his own choices to channel his behavior in the line of the employees, and, also make better judgments that are accepted by every worker. Finally, the manager praises the efforts of the employees and gives them a path to grow (Block, 2016). The strategy is to retain the potential workers by giving them an opportunity to grow within the or...
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