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Communication for Managers Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

The focus of this module is to help students improve how written, presentation, and interpersonal communication can be used strategically to improve outcomes in a managerial setting.

This journal assignment is an opportunity to demonstrate what you've learned.

Analyze a group situation or interaction where your communication style did not match that of your audience. What could have been done differently to improve the outcome?

How do you plan to use active listening and persuasion as a managerial tool to achieve a particular business outcome?

Write about a specific past or upcoming public speaking opportunity and what skills from this module will (or could have) improved your outcome.

Decompose and analyze a recorded presentation (e.g. TED) on a topic of your choice and speak about the assets and tactics that the presenter used to improve his or her delivery. Which of those techniques are true to your personality style and would resonate with your audience? Which would you not use in your professional setting?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effective Communication for Managers
Effective Communication for Managers
Good management is synonymous to an effective communication process, between managers of an organization, its employees and others stakeholders outside the organization. Whenever verbal or visual means are successfully used to pass any form of information, then it is effective communication. The four common functions of management include planning, organizing, leading and controlling (McDonald, 2010). Therefore, effective communication is very important for the development of an organization, since it not only serves to inform but also to ensure the four core functions of management are fully executed. Managers use a successful communication process to exert authority and get things done.
Previous interaction in a group discussion for a school project had me realize how bad of a communicator I was, and looking back today, I had poor communications skills which made the communication process unsuccessful. During my presentation, the communication was one way, I did not give a chance to the audience to interact or share their ideas. This problem arose as a result of talking too much and not giving space that would have invited at conversation. Along the group discussion, I got personal and started focussing on members of the audience instead of the topic of discussion. This was another poor communication technique, which affected the process of relaying information. I did not separate issues and ended up veering off the intentions of my presentation.
Also, I disregarded the personal feelings of the audience, which came out as mean. To invalidate feelings of the audience make the feelings more ingrained and tend to make people more defensive. I have learned that an effective communicator should consider the feelings of his or her audience; this makes them feel important and part of the discussion or communication process. To be a good communicator and have a seamless communication is a collaboration process, between the communicator and his or her audience. Great communication is not only about making the audience feel good about them, but also creating an environment where ideas are heard, and there is a smooth interaction. I would do this to ensure I affect with my audience and members of the discussion group.
Active listening and persuasion are effective managerial tools which are vital for every manager in an organization. These tools are essential in developing trust and solidifying the communication process, not only within the organization but also to achieve a particular business outcome. Trust is considered one of the team characteristics that differentiate an effective team from the dysfunctional team (Daft & Marcic, 2011). Two important elements of decision making, for managers, are gathering and analyzing information. Employees, on the other hand, offer valuable insights and assistance regarding both of these elements. This is because, employees often engage directly with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders (Shreader, Jordan & Portis, 2014).
To listen actively to other people is very important in making sure the communication process is effective, this is because, we listen to understand, get information and to learn. As a manager, some of the active listening techniques I would use include paying attention. Putting aside any thoughts that may interfere with the speaker's message, looking at them directly in the eye and focussing on their body language would help in paying attention to them. Using my body language and gestures, to show that I am listening to them is another vital, active listening technique.
Nodding occasionally, smiling and facial expressions are important too. To encourage the speaker, give verbal comments in the process, this would make them feel you're interested in what they are saying. Make sure to provide feedback helps the speaker know you ar...
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