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Management Final Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Answer three questions according to my report

My advantage is being a good listener.

Use part I as reference to answer questions

one page each

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December 10, 2018
3.b. Based on the data that I received from the project, it seems that my greatest strength is my interpersonal communication skills, particularly my ability to listen to others. My average score based on the perception of my teammates, for the said skill from is 6.20. This number is significantly high as compared to my other skills as well as the score of other individuals by .16 points. Additionally, the standard deviation for this rating is only 0.84 as compared to the average score of the average IP Teammate Rating for Fall 2018, which is 1.29. What this means is that those who rated my listening skills gave me more high scores as compared to the average scores received back then. Specifically speaking, the data for listening shows that I listen effectively to others’ points of views (Avg = 3.80) as well as incorporate what others have said before in my responses (Avg = 3.25). While the scores for these are relatively low, what is noticeable is that my self-rating is close to the scores that I got from my teammate. The reason for this is because these strengths are rooted in the principles that I value in life. On the one hand, I believe that to become a more effective leader, one has to listen to both compliments and criticisms from other people, especially the constructive ones. It is only by doing this that one can improve his own ability to teach because one cannot be the best at everything. On the other hand, I also think that effective communication comes from a ‘clear and concise’ understanding of others say. This desire to verify what I heard and made my point clear is the reason why I tend to build up from what others have said.
However, it is also apparent that I was given a high score (Avg = 5.0) for sometimes ‘drifting off’ when someone else is speaking. While my Avg (5.0 < 5.75) and SDS (1.22 > 1.41) are less than that of the previous batch, I believe that it is still something that must be improved immediately. In fact, since most people students tend to “drift off” based on the data, then being attentive would give me an advantage to becoming a better leader.
3c. One of the main reasons why perceived strengths exist within us is because humans tend to focus more on themselves. This bolsters one’s self-confidence and makes themselves think that they are better than others. While there are some advantages to having increased self-esteem for a leader, it could also entail some risks especially when you fail to recognize your own weaknesses. Take for examp...
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