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Final Biographical Essay. Focus on your educational experience.

Essay Instructions:

Length: Three to five-page educational biographical essay

The essay should focus on your educational experience. Imagine you are writing your autobiography, but in this case you are only writing one chapter of that book, the chapter that deals with your education.

I would suggest that you begin your educational experience with middle school or high school and end with college. If there were breaks in your educational experience, account for them.

In writing the essay you could think about what you liked and disliked about school, who helped you with assignments/homework, who were your friends, did you have a favorite teacher, what role your parents and siblings played, and what would you have liked to have done differently and why. You should conclude your essay with what you hope to accomplish educationally— a “road map.”

im an international student from Angola I never was a A student but I always do my best... I came to USA in 2015, I went to NESE for 1 year learning English then I start Cambridge college in 2016 the beginning of college was very confuse for me but now im getting on the tracks...

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Educational Biography
Educational Biography
Coming to the US in 2015 was one of the highlights of my life. Never in a thousand years did I ever imagine I would board a plane, to another city in my country Angola, leave alone fly across the Atlantic into the world’s most sought after nation, The United States of America. The memory is still so fresh in my mind, on that particular day when my parents broke the news to me, that I would be spending the next years of my life abroad. That kind of feeling was one I have never experienced, and it has remained with me from that day. Back home, to have an opportunity to study and start a life abroad is one many people my age would wish for and this was a chance I did not take for granted. It is even rare when that opportunity presents itself in the United States of America. I have always been a proud child of The Motherland (the way we refer to our beloved continent Africa). I was poised to leave home for some years, the first thing that struck me was how I was going to integrate with people from other cultures and successfully interact seamlessly without any barriers, either culturally or socially. My going to the US, made me realize how much beautiful our cultures are and when we mix, we form a beautiful spectrum of a rainbow world. I was to first focus on my education, which meant enrolling in school. All these crossed my mind in days before leaving Angola. Then the day of my maiden flight to the US came.
My parents walked into my room that morning, only to find I was already awake, take a shower and ready to leave. Not that I was fed with my country and wanted to leave that quick, it was because of the anxiety and excitement that made me lose sleep in the night. I had to pack and prepare myself to pass the time. It was a long night; one would be able to pick every gravel of sand on a beach and sweep it clean. We drove to the airport and boarded a US-bound flight. I looked through the plane's window and saw my life transform, with every height the airplane rose to.
I came to the US as an international student. I was never an A student, but all my life I have always believed in the principles of hard work. This I was taught at an early age, and it is what has kept me anchored since my childhood. My parents, on the other hand, have always imparted to us, as a family how important education is, and it is very important when that education is acquired from the best places that it can be offered. To study in this country was, therefore, an added advantage and I vowed to take advantage of this opportunity. Not only to make my parents proud but also to acquire as much skill as possible which I would use as a tool to change the world.
The first school I enrolled to was the prestigious New England School of English, for one year, gave ...
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