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Analysis of a Theoretical Framework for Leadership

Essay Instructions:

Select a book about leadership by a successful leader whom you believe has adopted leadership as a vocation. It can be a book by a well-known individual in the discipline of leadership or a leader in your own field, religion, sport, or another area of personal interest. Students are encouraged to select their book early in the course (at least before the end of Topic 2) to allow time for thoughtful reading and planning for this assignment.

In an analysis of 750-900 words, examine the theoretical framework, style, and leadership traits presented in the selected book. Discuss how this particular individual has adopted leadership as a vocation. As a leader, which qualities of this person would you seek to emulate in order to inspire followership? Which shortcomings of this leadership approach would you attempt to overcome? Be sure to cite examples from the book and integrate a minimum of four secondary sources on leadership theory to support your analysis.

Rubic will be attached in an excel spreadsheet. Open to any successful leader

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Stephen R. Covey – A Vocational Leader
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Analysis of a Theoretical Framework for Leadership
In contemporary society, organizations are progressively valuing the role of leadership in attaining their objectives, missions, and goals. Central to this is the realization that different leadership styles influence efforts aimed at achieving the organizational milestones. Given this, this essay examines the theoretical framework, leadership style, and leadership trait exemplified by Stephen R. Covey, in his 1989 book titled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
The book starts by explaining how many individuals have attained a substantial degree of external success, but, have struggled with an inward yearning for personal congruency and developing healthy relationships with other individuals (Covey, 1992, pg. 5). Covey believes that our view of the world depends on our perceptions. He proceeds to assert that changing a situation requires us first to change ourselves, and changing ourselves only happens once we have changed our perceptions (Covey, 1992, pg. 7).
Covey’s leadership style mirrors that of Fiedler’s contingency/situational leadership framework. As asserted by Fiedler, the capacity of a leader is influenced and determined by their capability to adapt to varying situations (Fiedler, 2006). A leader’s ability to perceive, understand, interpret, and react appropriately to situations directly impacts their success levels. Covey’s leadership trait fits into Fiedler’s contingency/situational leadership framework. Raising a rebellious and drug-addicted son, Covey tried to change him by imposing his own beliefs and perceptions. It was later that he realized that his role in leadership development work would help him alleviate his son’s problem (Covey, 1992, pg. 6).
Covey began studying the expectancy theory combined with the self-fulfilling prophecies of the Pygmalion effect. Through this, he realized how flawed his perceptions were. Covey’s leadership style shows that he is flexible and adaptive when handling difficult situations. To change himself, he decided to change his perceptions. Covey began his research on perceptions along with an in-depth study in fields such as self-help, popular psychology, and self-improvement (Covey, 1992, pg. 7).
He interpreted the situation, understood the situation, and reacted to it by loosening his old perception and developing value-based motives. Covey stopped trying to clone his son based on his perception on what was good and measuring him against social expectations. Covey’s ethical approach to leadership is apparent in the way in which he demonstrates concern for his son. While most parents would have han...
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