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Creating and Leading Effective Team Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

Review the Harvard Business School reprint, Leading Teams. Consider the criteria for successful teams and the factors needed to ensure teams are structured for success.

Create a plan (750-1,000 words) describing the steps necessary to create more successful teams at various levels within your organization. Include the following in the plan:

Define the characteristics and structure of successful teams within your organization. How are independent teams vital to the success of your organization?

What are important factors to consider when leading teams within the various levels of the organization?

What factors are important to consider when leading teams at the executive level?

What aspects are essential in identifying appropriate members for teams and ensuring the teams are successfully launched?

What factors are important to ongoing team dynamics? Describe guidelines to evaluate the function and productivity of teams.

Compassion is a significant attribute of many religions and philosophies, including a Christian worldview, as well as being important for both authentic and servant leadership. As a leader, how would you empower your teams through compassion to honor diversity and support equality for all members as they work toward a common goal?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Rubic is attached in an excel spreadsheet.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Creating and Leading an Effective Team
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Teamwork is a necessary and inescapable part of most jobs. Victor Mcfarland has mentioned in his article titled Leading and Building Effective Teams that the more time the manager or company’s leader spends with his employees, the higher are their chances of achieving success, targeting potential customers and defeating the rivals (Mcfarland, 2015).
Characteristics and Structure of the Team at PepsiCo
In the case of PepsiCo, the success of the company is made possible due to its ability to build strong teams, as well as to communicate with customers in a friendly and professional way. Together, the company’s managers, marketers, shareholders and workers have accomplished what an individual cannot do while working alone. The first and most important characteristic is the result-driven structure. Whether its snack foods and beverages are sold in the United States, Canada, Asia or parts of Europe, PepsiCo’s goal has been to meet the target and to come up with great results. Another key feature is its standards of excellence. For PepsiCo, quality is the first priority, but the company does not charge its customers more than the market price. Appreciation and appraisal have helped the company keep the morale of its team members high. When it comes to talking about the structure of the team, PepsiCo has hired employees from all parts of the world and has always offered them good salary packages along with other benefits such as free transportation, medical facilities and weekly or monthly bonuses. In return, they are required to work with honesty and to give their best performance.
Factors to Consider While Leading the Team at Various Levels
As explained by Jessica L. Wildman and Richard L. Griffith in Leading Global Teams Means Dealing with Different that different factors are to be considered while leading the team at varying levels, such as trust among the team members, preparing them to engage in debatable discussions and focus on achieving the collaborative results (Wildman & Griffith, 2014). It is essential to building trust among all team members, and for this, the leader or manager of PepsiCo can play his integral role. In addition, employees can be encouraged to speak of their minds regarding the quality or price of a particular product, without creating a mess or conflict within the office. All of its members should accept the vision and mission of the team.
Factors to Consider While Leading the Team at the Executive Level
While leading the team at the...
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