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Infant mortility. Limitations, Delimitations, and Significance.

Essay Instructions:


Infant mortility

Assignment Overview

The focus of this module is to discuss the anticipated limitations of the proposed research in sufficient depth, and demonstrate that it is reasonable and based on the limitations imposed by the proposed methodology. Articulate the study design of the proposed research, including methods of sampling/recruitment of participants and its contribution of proposed research to the field while addressing the Institutional Review Board (IRB) requirements for human subjects protection.

Write the final section of the Dissertation Prospectus entitled “Limitations, Delimitations, Significance” (2-3 pages). Then create a sample Appendix to address Institutional Review Board (IRB) requirements for Human Subjects Protection. The appendices should also contain a copy of data collection instrument(s) (e.g., questionnaire). Next write a 150- to 250-word Abstract of the Proposed Research to be placed at the beginning of the Prospectus.

Adhere to the following in addition to maintaining Module 1-2 expectations:

The limitations and delimitations of proposed dissertation research are clearly and appropriately articulated and presented.

The anticipated contribution of proposed research to the field is discussed.

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) requirements for human subjects protection in the proposed dissertation research are appropriately addressed.

It should be evident that appropriate steps will be taken to ensure human subjects protection in the proposed dissertation research.

The Dissertation Prospectus should be written in a scholarly manner.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Limitations, Delimitations, and Significance
Student Name
Limitations, Delimitations, and Significance
Every year thousands of infants die from different complications. As such, one of the leading global healthcare goals is to reduce infant mortality and morbidity. This is possible through implementing measures to improve infant healthcare services, which will, in turn, increase the lifespan of infants. The most affected group of children are those below the age of 5. It is the case because they require special healthcare attention, which might not be available in some cases (MacDorman, Hoyert & Mathews, 2013). This study seeks to delve into the issue of infant mortality by looking at the relationship that exists between various social, economic, environmental, and biological factors and infant mortality rates.
The first section of the study introduces the research topic and indicates some of the reasons that have necessitated the execution of the study. The second section is the literature review, which presents the theoretical and conceptual frameworks that the researcher will use as a basis for the research project. The section also looks at some of the literature on the subject as addressed by various scholars in the past. The third section is the methodology, which indicates that research design and methods that the researcher will use in gathering information. The section also suggests some of the ethical considerations that will be taken into account to ensure legal, social, physical, and psychological risks are minimized when dealing with human subjects.
Limitations of the Study
There are some issues that the researcher cannot control the process of conducting the research. Just like any other research study, this research has some limitations that the researcher anticipates in the process of conducting it. The first limitation is that the study is likely to suffer from the omission of sex-specific deaths. It is the case because of the various belief systems that people hold. Some of these beliefs are against reporting the death of a child or even stating the gender of a child openly (MacDorman, Hoyert & Mathews, 2013). This means that there are many cases of child deaths that go unreported. It is the case because the researcher in the process of selecting the sample population might select some individuals from these ethnic groups and religious groups. At the same time, the data that will be gathered from secondary sources will not have captured the information, which means that it will not be included in the final results, which is likely to affect the findings.
Another limitation will be the failure or fear of participants to declare some information such as level of income. This is rather a sensitive area, and sometimes people avoid discussing their money. This means that there is a chance that some of the participants might fail to provide accurate information when asked about their income levels. This implies that at the end of the day, the findings in regards to how the level of income affects the infant mortality rates in the country might end up being inaccurate because of some of the participants who will fail to disclose such information (MacDorman, Hoyert & Mathews, 2013). To help minimize the effect of this limitation, the researcher will base the findings on estimates, which means that the findings might not be as accurate as the researcher would want.
Another major limitation is the fact that some of the data might be missing some variable values. For example, as a result of recall issues and misplaced birth records, some of the women interviewed in this survey are likely to indicate that their infants were not weighed at birth. This is likely to prompt the researcher to use infant birth size as a proxy weight, which will suffer regarding biased judgment.
Delimitations of the Study
It is important to have some parameters in the study, which will be crucial in ensuring...
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