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Difference Between Leadership And Management With Examples

Essay Instructions:

• Define leadership.

• Define management.

• Discuss the differences between leadership and management.

• Reflect on two views of leadership in educational settings.

Consider the following questions (and take notes) while you read the chapter and watch the videos:

• What are the differences between a manager and a leader?

• What are the primary components of leadership?

1. Read Chapter 1: The Leadership Challenge (p. 1–28) in:

English, F. W. (2007). The art of educational leadership: Balancing performance and accountability (1st ed.). US: Sage Publications Inc.

2. Read Chapter 1: Management versus Leadership (p. 11–38) in:

Madsen, S. (2015). The power of project leadership: 7 keys to help you transform from project manager to project leader. London: Kogan Page.

3. Watch the video:

Hubbard, R. (2013, August 19). A definition of leadership [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=-N-hZyjqE1I

4. Watch the video (2 min:42 sec):

jjbpaca. (2011, Feburary 10). The essence of leadership [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=ocSw1m30UBI

Next, read these two brief articles written by leaders in the field of education and consider the following question (and take notes):

• How do teachers and administrators demonstrate leadership?

5. Read: Starr, J. P. (2017). Leadership: Culture, tweets, and change. Phi Delta Kappan, 98(7), 72–73.

Read: Stein, L. (2014). Leadership: The teacher's imperative. Journal of Leadership Education, 13(2), 162–168.

3 pages not including cover or Reference page. Reference page should be APA style including page numbers etc. Please use four references from the required reading above. Additional instructions & reading information will be attached next.

Introduction Should

B. Definition of leadership (in your own words)

C. Definition of management (in your own words)

D. Describe the difference between leadership and management.

• Use the Madsen (2015) reading to discuss the common mistakes a manager makes and how a leader avoids these mistakes.

• Use the English (2007) reading to discuss how graduate study helps a manager, or partial leader, become a proficient leader.

E. Use the Starr (2017) and Stein (2014) articles to discuss how a teacher and administrator demonstrates leadership (vs. management) traits.

F. Conclusion

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership and Organizational Theory
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc532591296" Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc532591296 \h 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc532591297 \h 2Definition of Leadership PAGEREF _Toc532591298 \h 2Definition of Management PAGEREF _Toc532591299 \h 2Leadership vs Management PAGEREF _Toc532591300 \h 2Common Mistakes by Managers PAGEREF _Toc532591301 \h 3How Graduate Study Help a Manager PAGEREF _Toc532591302 \h 3Leadership (vs. Management) Traits PAGEREF _Toc532591303 \h 4Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc532591304 \h 5References PAGEREF _Toc532591305 \h 6
Definition of Leadership
Leadership is aspect of service that focuses on meeting other people’s priorities. In this case, a true leadership system confers and shifts the authority towards the followers guaranteeing a high priority on the underprivileged within any environment. Leadership requires impartial mode that ensures removal of any form of inequalities as well social injustices within any given set-up.
Definition of Management
Management refers to the aspect of controlling and working out systems in such a way that the system serves to the best, people’s interests including their area or environment of operation. Management basically focuses on operation of different functions based on policies and concepts that underlie the intended sector or organization.
Leadership vs Management
The major difference between a leader and a manager in the educational context entails their means of motivation towards the achievement of set objectives. In this context, the managers majorly rely on the authority of their office and boundaries of principles to ensure work is done. On the other hand, educational leaders usually apply the principle of inspiration, image and influence at a personal level to ensure achievement of objectives. The task of leaders involves aligning individual objectives to the bigger picture of the organization’s objectives. In other words, leaders focus on doing the right things while managers focus on doing things the right and the acceptable way.
In the circles of education, leadership refers to management of people, in this case, students, tutors and other staff members, while management focuses on the development and control of systems within the institutional environment. Management derives its credibility from the nature and outcome of the patterns applicable in directing the workings of different functions within an institution set-up. Management is mostly aligned towards sociological rules with less focus on best practices since the sociological aspect possibly operates on reduced laws as observed from the outcome variables. The school climate, in this case, comprises tutors, principal, the faculty and inter-relationships between these subjects.
Common Mistakes by Managers
In management, the major focus is on the maintenance of the status quo where individuals are organized to operate using already created standards within the confines set to achieve specific tasks. In this case, most of the confines revolve around human resource, time management, and quality delivery in all...
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