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West Coast Transit Case Study: Three Criteria for Evaluating Effective Team/Group Work

Essay Instructions:

The purpose for this assignment is analyze methods of poor communication and its effect on motivation, teamwork, and effective conflict management and resolution.

Write a paper (1,600-1,800 words) in which you address the following based on the information provided in the "West Coast Transit Case Study" resource.

Describe the three criteria for evaluating effective team/group work (as stated in the textbook) and use the criteria to analyze the effectiveness of the team.

Review each of the five stages of group formation. Determine what stage(s) are evident in the case and provide a justification of your response.

Apply Schein's three behavioral profiles to specific members of the team. Identify how the profiles are demonstrated in the case.

Evaluate whether the communication among the participants in the case was effective or not. Justify your answer by considering any existing barriers to communication.

Review the two main types of conflicts described in the textbook. Explain how each type of conflict is evident in the case.

Propose how Denson should resolve the conflict in this case using one direct conflict management approach. Justify your response as to why this is the most realistic direct conflict management approach given the existing dynamics between and among team members.

Identify one specific leadership activity and one specific maintenance activity that should be encouraged. Identify the most significant disruptive behavior that should be discouraged.

Identify a significant motivational problem experienced by each individual: Jing, Mahonney, and Tanney. Describe how Denson should motivate each person. Be sure to provide a specific motivational suggestion for each person based on their motivational needs. Ensure that you have at least one suggestion from each of the motivational theory/techniques: content theories, process theories, and reinforcement strategies.

You are required to use at least two external scholarly sources in addition to the textbook and the case study resource.


MGT-420 Organizational Behavior and Management

read Chapters 15 and 16 in MGT-420 Organizational Behavior and Management.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

West Coast Transit Case Study
West Coast Transit Case Study
Three Criteria for Evaluating Effective Team/Group Work
Team viability, member satisfaction, and task performance are criteria for assessing efficient team or group work (Ivancevich et al., 2014). Team viability estimates how better a group perceives it could perform in upcoming assignments and whether it will feel comfortable working with similar members. Member satisfaction proves the team's effectiveness, whereby the members are contented with the degree to which a specific assignment was performed, including the team member's contributions. Lastly, task performance assesses a group regarding its work quantity and quality, including its results timelines. Bernie Hollis and Pete Denson serve within the Marketing department as workers, whereby Hollis is the Vice President and his counterpart is a manager. The team assemblage is hardly compelling. Employees within the department have received an enormous workload to complete within a short timeframe, which is undoubtedly against the task performance condition. Moreover, the group members conflicted on task management and implementation—this affected members' gratification. Denson angered Katarina Tanney, making the latter claim she was not ready to work with Denson again ("West Coast Transit Case Study," 2021). The situation opposes the team viability criterion due to the inability to work together in the future.
Group Formation Stages Review
The group formation stages are evident in the case study. Firstly, there is a forming stage. This is where individual members come together and join to become a team, each contributing uniquely to the team and delivering value by completing assignments. Secondly, there is a storming stage. This is characterized by interpersonal conflicts and the organizing of tasks. Specifically, we can observe Tanney and Denson having disputes that, in turn, result in their disagreements and failure to work collaboratively. Thirdly, there is the norming stage. It is where an agreement results around whoever the leader(s) is and members' duties. There is resolving of existing interpersonal differences. Concerning the case, the conflict between Denson and Tanney is solved, creating a favorable atmosphere to work together. Fourthly, there is a performing stage. After conflict solving and integration of other members, working together becomes less complicated. Finally, if a group is not permanent, the adjourning stage follows, whereby the group is disbanded (Ivancevich et al., 2014). Project completion led to the team's disintegration, including the roles.
Schein's Three Behavioral Profiles Application
The case study's team reflects Edgar Schein's behavioral profile roles. Firstly, there is a friendly helper role. The behavioral profile defines an individual that is always ready to help other group members in any circumstance (Coghlan, 2021). Jon Mahoney demonstrates this role. For instance, when Denson and Tanney are involved in a disagreement, Mahoney peacefully intervenes and acts as a arbitrate to address the conflict. Secondly, there is an objective thinker role. The behavioral profile denotes the actions of a person interested in attaining a goal within a group but also looking forward to realizing personal gains (Coghlan, 2021). Lea Jung expresses this role since she also expected a promotion besides contributing to the team's goal attainment. Lastly, there is a tough battler role evident within the case. The behavioral profile defines an individual who is relatively not responsible and tends to remain reluctant concerning any comments provided to enhance an organization. From the case's perspective, Tanney is a tough battler. Tanney is fit for the role because, after the program acceptance, she stated that it was "unattainable," citing time and workload constraints ("West Coast Transit Case Study," 2021).
Case Study Communication Evaluation. Was it Effective?
West Coast Transit created a solid idea and practical plan for the business. Previously, the organization was considered customer-centered. It also offered limitless benefits and opportunities for the workers. However, miscommunication within the team (amongst the participants) led to conflicts between the members. Lack of efficient communication primarily arose from the inability to address the issues affecting them. For instance, more workload connected to the hardly unachievable deadlines that the management assigned the team discouraged the members and reduced their productivity significantly. The workers found it challenging to complete the given workload. Also, compensation was not appropriate relative to the work completed. These scenarios created conflicts between the management and employees, leading to disagreements and failure to communicate and tackle the issues openly and cooperatively. Tanney, the manager, who was majorly responsible for cooling the atmosphere, was going through family and personal problems that affected her communication capacity ("West Coast Transit Case Study," 2021). There was a point when Denson called Tanney a complainer such that the latter walked out of a meeting before it was ended. The misunderstanding here creates a significant communication barrier. Moreover, it shows disrespect for each other, which limits proper co...
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