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Argument on Monthly Stipend

Essay Instructions:

In order to learn some of the important ideas about how to do policy analysis, we are going to do something a little different this week.

I have several scenarios below.

.For your original response, select one and argue for it.

.For your three responses to others, you must respond to three different scenarios and argue against each of them.

This means that you will be discussing at least four different scenarios.

As you argue for or against,use logic and facts rather than emotions. Think about long-term consequences.

If I see there are plenty of original responses on one of the scenarios, I may close that scenario, so it is to your benefit to post early in the week in order to get the scenerio you want.


.The subject line needs to be the scenario title.

.If I close a scenario for original responses, anyone posting an original response about that scenario after it has been closed is fine but will not earn credit.

.If you response to the same scenario more than once, that's fine but you will not earn credit for the subsequent responses on that same scenario.

.The idea here is to get you think critically and present a case about policy in a professional manner. No yelling or nastiness allowed. Polite disagreement based on facts and evidence is professional. That is always welcome in my classes.

Special notes

You have several assignments during this class. You need to select a different policy for each one. Policies similar to the ones in the scenarios are forbidden as well as we will already have done these in class.


1. Monthly Stipend

Because the cost of living in the city is so high, the major has proposed a $500 per month stipend to each household within the city limi.

2. Sanctuary City

Cooperation between local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies has been a longstanding tradition. A city has proposed that if someone arrested for a local or state crime is not legally present in the country, the local law enforcement agency, which is a change to its traditional practice.

3. Plastic Straws

A state has forbidden restaurants from providing plastic straws to their customers.

4. Minimum wage

A city has set the minimum wage for all businesses operating within its limits at $15 per hour.

5. Concealed Carry

A state has forbidden its citizens from carrying Concealed firearms, except for law enforcement officers. A county within that state has created a category of reserve sheriff's deputies open to any resident legally allowed to own a gun, which would allow any such resident who chooses to do so to become a law enforcement officer and therefore legally allowed to carry a Concealed firearm. The policy here is the new category of reserve officers.

6. COVID-19 Immunization

After Covid-19 Immunizations were available for those age 12 and older and were in plentiful supply, a city enacted a law that requires every individual age 12 or older to prove full COVID Vaccination in order to be indoors in any business.

There are exceptions for medical or religious reasons, but those people must show proof of a recent negative test or stay outside the building.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Monthly Stipend
Department, University
Monthly Stipend
Providing a monthly stipend to all household in the city is not the right way to address the issue of high cost of living. Adding more money to households increases their purchasing power. As a result, many will resort to spend the extra income to purchase more goods and services, which will push their prices higher. One cause of inflation or the general increase of goods and services is increase in consumers’ aggregate demand. This phenomenon is referred to as the demand-pull inflation, which occurs when there are not enough goods and services to keep up with the high consumer demand (Fernando1, 2022). Consequently, sellers increase prices to take advantage of consumers’ desperation and maximize profits by selling to the highest bidder. Therefore, providing a $500 monthly stipend to all people in the city will lead to demand-pull inflation, and the cost of living will go higher.
The high cost of living can ...
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