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Credibility for an Entry-Level Professional

Essay Instructions:
  • The Assignment must be submitted  (WORD format only)
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • Use APA reference style.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism)

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand and apply concepts of communication theory as they affect business organizations and the individuals in them.
  2. Communicate better, knowing that good communicators make better managers and that communication is a dynamic process basic to individuals and organizational life.
  3. Analyze effective business letters, memorandums, and case studies.

Assignment Question(s):

Part 1

Credibility for an Entry-Level Professional

Mohammad, Amal, and Noura were recently hired as audit assistants. This is the first full-time professional position for each of them. During the first few months of work, each of them experienced successes and failures.

Mohammad gained a reputation for finding out exactly what clients wanted. He asked the right questions, he respectfully explained points of disagreement with them, and he showed them he was genuinely interested in them. Several of his colleagues commented that clients trusted him to act appropriately on their behalf. His supervisor was pleased that Mohammad always followed through on commitments and was positive he wouldn’t avoid reporting tax violations made by clients. However, Mohammad’s performance was far from perfect. His supervisor noticed that Mohammad sometimes made fairly basic mistakes in his audits and his colleagues would have to redo some of his work.

Amal has gained a reputation for completing audits more accurately than all other new audit assistants. Her supervisor is worried, however, about her long-term success at the firm. Amal tends to overpromise. Last week, she told her supervisor she’d finish an important project but instead worked on other tasks. Last month, she called in sick for a few days. On one of her sick days, her supervisor saw pictures of her at a party that she had posted to Facebook.

Noura is the top performer on audits among the new group of employees at the firm. She is precise and efficient. She can typically accomplish many tasks in about half the time of most other audit assistants. Her supervisor is concerned, however, about her interpersonal skills. She tends to often criticize her colleagues for their mistakes and rarely offers appreciation for their help. She also seems to rub clients the wrong way and comes across as “antisocial” according to one valued client.

Read the case above and answer the following questions:

  1. Which element of credibility does Mohammad lack? What would you recommend to Mohammad to improve his credibility?
  2. Which element of credibility does Amal lack? What would you recommend to Amal to improve her credibility?
  3. Which element of credibility does Noura lack? What would you recommend to Noura to improve her credibility?
  4. What is the importance of establishing credibility in business communication 

Part 2

Create a sample business message to propose a new marketing approach.

Note: You will be evaluated based on applying the process for creating effective business messages.

Part 3

Read the email and answer the questions that follow:

  1. Identify five principles violated in this email.
  2. Re-write the email following the principles of writing an effective email.


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Answer 1
Credibility for an Entry-Level Professional
Credibility refers to the degree of belief and trust in a person. It is the primary precursor to building trust (James,2018). People will be open to listening to ideas from you and be able to respect your expertise. The main three elements of credibility are competence, goodwill, and trustworthiness.
From the excerpt, Mohammad lacks the element of competence. Despite treating his coworkers and customers in a kind, friendly, and honest manner, he makes basic mistakes when auditing. Audit reports are meant to be perfect and devoid of errors. To improve his competence level, he should believe that he is good enough and seek out and make sure he takes high-value assignments. Also, he should own and take credit for his ideas. He should not allow others to downplay his work or position.
Amal lacks trustworthiness. She had to lie and be sick, yet she went to a party. Amal portrays a character of an individual who looks out for herself at the expense of her work and organization because of self-centered agendas. To improve her credibility, she should ensure that her behaviors consistently align with her values. She should be skilled, informed about her expectations, and aggressive in accomplishing her track record.
From the excerpt, Noura lacks goodwill and credibility. A critical way she could improve her credibility is that she should visualize her success with others and improve her communication skills. She needs to improve her integrity by being empathetic, bold, and active in a positive manner.
What is the importance of establishing credibility in business communication?
Credibility in business helps to attract customers, employers, and investors. It also helps in loan access, negotiation, and solving production issues or credit extensions (Kenton,1989). For a...
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