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Current Event Analysis: Social Security Policy

Essay Instructions:


Through this assignment, we will explore trends concerning an individually selected area of policy and provide context on the public policy theories at play. You will answer the following question:

How has the congressional agenda changed over time in regard to your selected policy topic?

To start, visit Comparative Agendas Project. Once on the webpage, select Trends Tools ( on the top right). Then select dataset types and policy topics on the upper left side. Then select Budgets on the upper left side. Next, select United States. Then, select the specific aspect of the US budget you want to analyze. Then, in the bottom right, select line for Chart Type.

Next, for Dates, select Year. Once you create two charts, or at least have the data points for two periods, then use export to integrate them in your paper. Then, analyze the two charts ( ie, compare and contrast) in your paper.

For the purposes of this project, you’ll need to pull data from at least two different time periods to show any shifts in trends/attention.

Next analyze your findings by using the attached template. You’ll want to cover the following questions:

1. What is the history of this policy?

2. What do the data say about the congressional focus of this issue?

3. How and why are the charts different?

4. What driving forces and actors would have had an impact on the congressional attention on this issue.

5. Were there other events taking place that would explain a low in congressional attention on this issue?

6. What theory or theories from our reading could explain the history or trends of the issue?

What contexts are applicable here?

Please include your charts in your essay. Note that the labels on the charts may be inaccurate, so focus on trends. Be sure to draw from our course readings and utilize at least three scholarly sources. A list of good journals is available in our online library. Here is the sample paper with proper APA formatting and citations from Purdue OWL.

Use the attached template.

Remember that you will not be able to use the same type of policy in future assignments.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Current Event Analysis: Social Security Policy
Student Name
Course number – Course name
American Public University
Current Event Analysis: Social Security Policy

Chart from 1947 to 1987

Chart from 1989 to 2017
History of the Policy
The social security policy has remained a fundamental area attracting significant congressional attention in the United States of America. According to Carrier (2016), the history of this policy dates back to 1935, when Congress enacted the Social Security Act. The author indicates that the act was a transformative and futuristic approach to the nation’s economy and people’s welfare because it proposed solving the diverse issues arising from the Great Depression. The foundation of social security was to lessen the senior citizens’ challenges that threatened to overturn their lives and hamper their capability to access and afford basic needs and services. By the time of the passing of this policy, more than 50% of senior citizens in the United States had languished in poverty (Carrier, 2016). Thus, this act incorporated urgently needed provisions that embarked on designing a social insurance initiative to provide workers with an income beyond their retirement age of 65 years (Carrier, 2016). Congress also added other essential benefits to the program for comprehensive coverage. It is a systematic program that draws benefits from the payroll tax. The responsible institutions use the trust fund to secure these finances and invest them in treasury securities to attract considerable returns. This policy has been revolutionary in the nation, considering that Social Security ranks top among the federal budget item costs annually today.
Congressional Focus According to the Data
The data trend about social security from the comparative agenda project demonstrates that the congressional plan about this issue has remained focused throughout the years. The gradual growth in the budgeting for this issue, without noticeable slumps since its enactment in 1935, illustrates that Congress assigned significant focus on the policy throughout its history. For instance, DeWitt (2010) reports that Congress initiated groundbreaking social security legislation and amendments between 1935 and 2000 as a demonstration of its unwavering efforts to ensure the success of this policy in the nation. Each of the amendments contributed significantly to the continued growth in the robustness of the policy and the improvement of its budgeting (DeWitt, 2010). For instance, after designing the policy with individual retirement benefits in 1935, Congress quickly followed it with the 1939 10th August amendments that incorporated survivors’ and dependents’ benefits (DeWitt, 2010). It also tweaked the policy to make the benefits noticeably attractive for the individuals who start to participate early.
Other progressive changes illustrating the focus of Congress and affirming the changing agenda rose through the august 1950 amendments that adjusted financing and coverage (DeWitt, 2010). This change also raised the benefits and led to a gradually increasing trend, as demonstrated by the data. Trends indicate that Congress further increased the benefits on 18th July 1952 through another legislation. It also liberalized the tests for retirement and widened the military service gratuitous wage credits (DeWitt, 2010). Moreover, a quickly following legislation of 1954 on 1st September extended the coverage again through the disability freeze program (DeWitt, 2010). These changes significantly impacted the budgeting data, represented by the gradually rising curve.
Many other amendments followed in 1956. They incorporated the 1st August 1956 one that included more monetary benefits for disability occurring at 50 years and women’s early retirement (DeWitt, 2010). On 28th August 1958, Congress brought more dependents-focused benefits targeting disabled beneficiaries. The 13th September 1960 amendments changed the age of disability benefits to include all ages (DeWitt, 2010). Moreover, on 30th June 1961, Congress established men’s early retirement and made eligibility requirements liberal. The continued focus on social security became even more pronounced when amendments targeting disabled widows or widowers became a reality on 2nd January 1968 (DeWitt, 2010). Congress continued focus on this policy saw the incorporation of the debt-ceiling bill that made yearly living...
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