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Job Redesigning at the WorkPlace – Job Enrichment

Essay Instructions:

As with the Case Assignment, make sure you have thoroughly reviewed the background readings and understand the key concepts of job redesign and job crafting. Then think about your own job and workplace and how these concepts apply to your own work life. Once you have finished reviewing the background readings and have carefully thought about how these concepts relate to your own job, write a 2- to 3-page paper answering the following questions:

1. Of the three main types of job redesign (job enlargement, job rotation, job enrichment), which one do you think would be the most effective in your current workplace? Explain your reasoning, and cite Bauer and Erdogan (2012) or Griffin (2007) as part of your answer.

2. Suppose your supervisor decides to use job enrichment to redesign your job. Of the five core job characteristics discussed in Bauer and Erdogan (2012) or page 9 of Griffin (2007), which one do you think should be changed as part of your job redesign?

3. Which specific job crafting strategy or intervention do you think would be most effective at your organization or for your specific job? Refer to one of the specific strategies or interventions discussed in Wrzesniewski (2014) or Dik and Duffy (2012).

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Job Redesigning at the WorkPlace
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Question 1
The job redesigning strategy that would be most effective at the workplace that I currently hold is job enrichment. This is because the stipulated technique exhibits a wide range of room and environment for improving the working conditions of the employees within an organization. My current position at the company where I work has been mostly hit with low morale in the company operations. Most of the employees within the designated company also exhibit a similar fate in their daily operations. The dynamic nature of these activities makes it hard for the company to realize its performance through the set objectives. As a result, job enrichment will be a better strategy for revitalizing the operations within the stipulated company.
The technique will offer additional dimensions to the current positions and work status of every employee within the stipulated company. It will result in increased motivation and morale, which is essential for enabling the employees to deal with and handle the core duties. The designated strategy will enable the employees within the company to face the underlying hardships and help the company meet the set goals and objectives. Extra tasks will be added to the daily operations of every employee within the company, consequently improving the stipulated individuals' skills (Marta et al., 2021). The job enrichment strategy will improve the employees' experience within the company, thus resulting in better operations that are effective in delivering the required results by the company. The designated strategy will be effective in my current work environment as it will introduce more training activities for other employees and unfold the potential of every individual within the organization.
Question 2
Suppose the supervisor of the designated company used the job enrichment strategy. In that case, the main character in Bauer and Erdogan that I would like a modification to be done is the newcomer behaviors within the c...
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