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Values, Interests, Strengths, Personality, Culture, and Goals

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Values, Interests, Strengths, Personality, Culture, and Goals

  1. What is the difference between goal setting and goal achieving?
  2. How do you set goals?
  3. What or who influences your goal setting?
  4. Are you better at goal setting or goal-achieving? Why do you think?

When we set goals, sometimes we are guided by society and the expectations in our communities and within us. How often do we set goals that are based on that which makes us most unique?

As you think about the goals you set, pursue, and achieve, do you consider your values, interests, strengths, personality, and culture? Or do you set goals based on something else?

We will be exploring your values, interests, strengths, personality, and culture and learn how those are key to forming your goals and the foundation of your leadership style.




Essay Sample Content Preview:

Values, Interests, Strengths, Personality, Culture, and Goals
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Values, Interests, Strengths, Personality, Culture, and Goals
1 What is the difference between goal setting and goal achieving?
There are significant differences between goal setting and goal achieving or attaining. For example, goal setting incorporates developing an action plan to inspire and guide an individual towards achieving a specific goal. Goal setting relates that an individual has committed emotion, behavior, and thought towards attaining an objective. On the other hand, goal-achieving is more than hard work and dedication. For example, after setting a goal, the human brain evaluates the emotional significance of the goal and the level of effort needed to attain the goal.
2 How do you set goals?
Setting goals require me to first consider what I want to attain and become committed to them. Later on, I can set the SMART goals to ensure the goals are detailed, quantifiable, achievable, applicable, and time-bound. Using the SMART framework will motivate me to work hard become determined to achieve them. On the other hand, I will have to write them to make the goals tangible. Finally, I will initiate steps to help me realize my objectives.
3 What or who influences your goal setting?
Previous performance and self-efficacy are factors that influence my goal setting. For example, if I performed well previously, I will become motivated to set challenging goals to trigger me to unleash my full potential in completing the objectives.
4 Are you better at goal setting or goal-achieving? Why do you think?
I am better at goal setting and goal-achieving. For example, I have set goals and achieved them. I understand that after setting goals, I must develop the right attitude and morale to complete such purposes.
What do I value? What’s important to me at this stage of my life?

What do I like? What do I enjoy learning about? What are my interests? What topics, ideas, activities, organizations, hobbies, etc. am I passionate about?

I value peaceful coexistence between people irrespective of race, sexual orientation, and others. On the other hand, I also value my education because it will help me secure employment opportunities. Presently, the world is competitive; hence, an individual is doomed without quality education.

I like reading and traveling during my free time. Similarly, I also love reading history books and information linked to the place of youths in contemporary society. I am passionate about health organizations such as UNICEF because they play significant r...
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