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Emotional Intelligence Competencies Showcased by Robert Holmes

Essay Instructions:

1. Complete a 1 – 3 page paper describing your choice.(choice#2) Please use 12 pt font and single space the document. Your paper should

include an engaging introduction that describes the topic you are covering and gives an overview

of what you will be covering in your paper. It should also have a strong concluding paragraph that

summarizes your paper and emphasizes your main points.

2. Effective leaders understand the importance of leveraging their emotional intelligence to

increase their personal effectiveness and their ability to influence and inspire others.

Identify a leader in your organization (or one you have worked with in the past) whom you

consider to be particularly effective, and describe how he/she demonstrates each of the four

emotional intelligence competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness

and relationship management.

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Emotional Intelligence Competencies Showcased by Robert Holmes
Department, Institution Affiliation
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Date Emotional Intelligence Competencies Showcased by Robert Holmes
Whereas technical skills may assist individuals in directing management positions, soft skills and values can help lead a team workforce and nurture workplace connection. Conventionally, emotional intelligence is a crucial leadership concept assisting a manager to effectively coach employees, solve issues, and integrate with colleagues. Currently, I am working as a part-time cleaner in a company headed by Mr. Robert Holmes, and I consider him a transformational and visionary leader in the organization. On the other hand, he demonstrates emotional intelligence competencies such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management, as mentioned below.
Robert Holmes understands self-awareness as the ability to distinguish oneself beliefs from others. It also relates to recognizing one individual's perception towards theirs and identifying personal challenges. Holmes consistently demonstrates self-awareness exemplarily, and he is always ready to admit when he is wrong. Last week, Holmes summoned me to his office and gave me a piece of his mind when a client called and complained of his some belongings missing after I had cleaned his house. The client later called and apologized because he had misplaced them. Immediately, Holmes apologized to me.
On the other hand, Holmes is also open-minded in that he encourages us to share our ideas and concerns before and after we complete cleaning tasks (Stubbs Koman & Wolff, 2008). He then collects the ideas and converts them into valuable insights to develop them. Moreover, Holmes always provides employees with assessment forms to write what they perceive about him. He encourages employees to write down genuine statements, which he use to improve his leadership skills and create a conducive environment for all workers. I have witnessed him using Myers-Briggs and SHL Personality assessment to reflect on his role as the organization administrator (Baczynska, 2015). He solves issues among employees by asking others to write a report about the troublesome one and use the feedback to help them. He learned to be patient until any case is examined and enough evidence collected for justice to be served.
Similarly, Holmes is always ready to accommodate change within the organization. For example, he agreed to reduce working from 8 to 6 hours to enable the employee to attend to family issues during the Covid-19 high peak period. We worked better and happier because we became available to assist our family and friends in coping with the pandemic. Self-management is a factor of emotional intelligence highly valued by Robert Holmes. It involves effectively controlling one's emotions, behavior, and thoughts. He cares ...
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