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Final Leadership Reflection: Diamonds & Disagreements

Essay Instructions:

Please complete the document "Final Leadership Reflection".

You can look up the Example of Diamonds & Disagreements.

Each time you write a diamond or a disagreement, please adhere to the following directions:

  • Diamond: What concept, passage, information, or insight from the text is interesting or meaningful to you?  (Please either directly quote the passage or paraphrase it and include the page number). First summarize the idea, then analyze and evaluate it, and then connect it to yourself (your personal or professional experience), another text, and/or historical or current event.
  • Disagreement: What concept, passage, information, or perspective do you disagree with and why? (Please either directly quote the passage or paraphrase it and include the page number). First summarize the idea then explain why you disagree with the concept. Use your experience, other texts, cultural background, etc. to support your argument and analysis.

Academic Questions:

  1. Diamond from the article Cultural Intelligence, by Earley and Mosakowski, in the book On Managing Across Cultures
  2. Diamond from People Skills, Chapter 2, Barriers to Communication
  3. Diamond from the article Strategic Leadership: The Essential Skills, by Shoemaker, Krupp, and Howland, in the book On Leadership, Vol. 2
  4. Diamond from the article The Best Leaders Are Great Teachers, by Finkelstein, in the book On Leadership, Vol. 2

Write two disagreements from any of the above texts. Please choose two separate texts, one disagreement per text.

  1. 5.      Disagreement:
  2. 6.      Disagreement:

Reflection Questions:

  1. Please write three key ideas (or take aways) you learned from this class. It could be on any topic, whether the class or the workshop. You may use bullet points or write it in paragraph form.
  2. Reflecting on what you’ve learned from this class (readings, discussions, personality tests, lectures) what did you find valuable (useful, important)
  3. Aside from having grades posted in a timelier manner, what advice can you give to make this course better for the next group of students?
  4. If you were to be a leader someday, what kind of a leader would you be? Describe it…..
  5. What was your experience of working in your team like? Positive? Negative? What did you learn from this class about making group and team work / collaboration more successful?
  6. What did you learn about communication and public speaking? Did you improve as a public speaker? If so, how…..
  7. Reflecting on what you learned from this course, Personal Development for Leadership, and the workshop, please list three things that you are proud of about yourself. It may be something you’ve accomplished, a way that you have grown, a perspective that shifted, or a behavior that has surfaced. You may use bullet points or write it in paragraph form. 
  8. Based on what you learned in this class, please share two or three goals you have for your future. 
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Final Reflection
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Academic Questions
1. Cultural Intelligence, by Earley and Mosakowski, in the book On Managing across Cultures.
I adequately agree with the passage that correlates cultural intelligence to emotional intelligence (Page 2). The passage states that emotional intelligence relates to cultural intelligence; however, it starts where emotional intelligence ends. The passage is critical sine an individual with high emotional intelligence can easily understand human nature while an individual with high cultural intelligence influences behavior. Emotional intelligence is a key aspect of leadership since it determines one's ability to make critical relationships applicable to professional growth and development. It allows the leader to connect with the feelings and intentions to make a rational decision. I am a victim of high emotional intelligence and understand what composes human nature. I use the ability to understand people's behaviors, thus making it easy to work with them. Emotional and cultural intelligence are essential and positively impact my leadership growth and development. Therefore, I would document emotional and cultural intelligence as the diamond of leadership to sustain my relations with colleagues and followers.
2. People Skills, Chapter 2, Barriers to Communication
The passage that I found helpful and interesting is titled avoiding other concerns on page 39. The passage addresses key elements that hinder communication, such as diverting. Diversion is accompanied by speaking of the main concerns. In most cases, people fail to send critical due to intentional or unintentional diversion, which diverges them from communicating the main information. I found the passage important since diversion is a key aspect that impacts my communication success. It would make me work on key ideologies to work on it and communicate effectively. I will place it as a diamond that would enhance my communication skills when I solve.
3. Strategic Leadership: The Essential Skills, by Shoemaker, Krupp, and Howland, in the book On Leadership, Vol. 2
I agree with the passage titled interpret, located on page 35. The passage stresses that personal conversation with a good intention is a key requirement for leadership skills. I agree with the passage since persona conversation is rewarding and opens more leaders' aims in engaging the participants. It also streamlines the relationship between the leaders and the participants. I am a leader who strongly believes in personal conversation. I utilize personal conversation to engage the participants and work with them based on their tastes and preferences. The personal conversation also enables me to avoid specific activities that may jeopardize my colleagues' relationships. There is a concept I would not miss in establishing my diamond of leadership.
4. The Best Leaders Are Great Teachers, by Finkelstein, in the book On Leadership, Vol. 2
The passage that I find interesting is titled modeling, located on page 132. The passage stresses that great leaders are modelers and consider simple techniques to model their followers. The article also describes leaders as individuals who utilize their time to ensure that other parties are satisfied and put their interests last. I agree with the concept since it portrays leaders as unique individuals to serve different populations. Modeling is a concept that allows the teachers to model the students, leaders from different sectors can utilize to achieve better leadership objectives. Modeling is critical since it allows me to streamline my leadership and strategic goals. For instance, whenever I want to make a critical decision that involves critical thoughts, I have to apply the approach and model my way of thinking to obtain the leadership objectives.
First Text: Cultural Intelligence, by Earley and Mosakowski, in the book On Managing across Cultures.
The passage I disagree with is on page 6, titled the body. The passage stresses that one cannot disarm guests and hosts by showing them how much their culture is known. It also stresses that actions must show that an individual must indicate mannerisms and habits. I disagree with the concept since adopting people's mannerisms, and habits cannot be classified as the source of cultural intelligence. As a leader, it is necessary to focus on suitable skills and avoid generalizing manner...
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