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Training for Orange and Rockland's Employees to Meet Higher Performance and Engagement

Essay Instructions:

Designing a Training Program
Create a written proposal in which you detail the complete design of an employee training program.
Write a 6–8 page paper in which you:
Design a two-day training program for a group of 20 employees.
Identify 2–3 training needs through a training needs analysis (TNA) and justify an approach for this training.
Develop the training objective for this program based on an analysis of the business.
Determine the training cost for the training program you are proposing. Include a detailed breakdown of time allotted for each piece, the subsequent cost analysis, and the total cost for the project as a whole.
Select key training methods to deliver the program to employees, such as an e-learning module or a one-day face-to-face training program.
Create an agenda of activities for the training program.
Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to find at least five quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Training and Development
Institution Affiliation
Training and Development
Training is critical in contemporary business due to skill diversification and the need to gain a higher competitive advantage through highly qualified and trained employees. According to Rodriguez & Walters (2017), training is crucial in using different applications from formal business functions, methodologies, and distinct theories. Different companies focus on continual learning strategies to promote employee satisfaction and growth due to constant technology improvement. The employees in contemporary society must go through continuous training to keep the momentum of work and limit any knowledge deficiency that would adversely limit them from meeting organizational needs (Nwaeke & Obiekwe, 2017). Training is defined as the overall education and improvement of the employees in the organizations based on their training needs; therefore, the training program is based on quantifiable goals and objectives to broaden employees' skills. Training programs must focus on specific procedures and processes to meet the expectations of the employees. The paper probes a training program of Orange and Rockland for two days by focusing on a total population of 20 employees.
Orange and Rockland is an electric company with higher training needs among the employees. The company dwells on internet services for sales, thus directly engaging the customers since the targeted consumers are the millennials who heavily rely on online shopping. The company has operated smoothly in the past decade. However, many issues are arising, which affect its position as a business to meet different expectations of the customers. The quality services offered at the customer service have become an issue of concern with the customers complaining about bias charges and low loyalty among the employees. Due to such issues, the company's number of customers continuously decreases. According to Wang et al. (2017), customer loyalty is a vital aspect to retain customers. Therefore, the company management opts to retain its customers by training employees to change how they engage them. The company management has decided to establish a two-day training program for new employees who lack the necessary customer engagement and development skills. According to the management, new employees lack adequate experience and motivation, which inhibit their performance and customer satisfaction.
Training Needs
Training needs analysis (TNA) refers to the process of identifying the needs that the employees should meet to allow them to operate effectively and minimize the competency gap (Manna et al., 2016). TNA is conducted at a different level of the company to increase the company's productivity. Therefore, the training program is necessary for the company since it would determine the best solutions to the problems such as low customer engagement and poor relations as identified for the company. Based on the company's business, a proactive type of TNA is necessary since it is formalized and long-term based, thus offering better solutions to its problems. According to Manna et al. (2016), a proactive type of TNA is necessary since it focuses on the source of problems and how direct engagement would resolve the problems by reducing the competency gap. Therefore, the identified type of TNA aligns with the company's needs, which require long-term and well-planned solutions.
Additionally, the researcher conducted a need analysis of Orange and Rockland Company and identified specific needs to meet higher employee performance and engagement. The researcher linked need analysis to organizational analysis by focusing on the internal environment, such as operations. The main aim of the analysis was to discover the major source of poor performance among the employees and how to resolve them. The analysis focused on interviewing the 20 employees to understand their failures necessary for establishing a well-framed solution. More attention was on the skills, attitudes, and skills of the employees. Therefore, based on the analysis, the training needs include:
i.Benchmarking- The researcher noted that Orange and Rockland needed consistent benchmarking to understand employee-customer engagement importance.
ii.Training and development investment- The researcher identified that the company needs to adequately invest in training and development programs to keep the employees up-to-date and interact with the customers effectively without any constraints.
iii.Team building exercises- Based on the analysis, the researcher identified that the employees need team-building exercises to learn and engage each other.
The researcher designed the training program based on the identified three training needs. The needs also shaped the type of resources for training program implementation of Orange and Rockland Company.
Training Objective
Based on the business analysis, the key training objective is to ensure that employees acquire the necessary skills for promoting customer engagement and restoring their business position in terms of customer loyalty. Therefore, by the end of the training program, the employees must be well competent with the following:
* The trainees should have adequate skills on how to engage the customers during the calls without offending them.
* The trainees should communicate effectively and should be clear to the customers by improving their communication strategies.
* The trainees must show their expertise in customer relations and address customer issues depending on their requirements and expectations.
* The trainees should also show professionalism in resolving contingent issues that the customer experiences while engaging with the company.
Training Cost
The training cost is essential for Orange and Rockland Company since it shows the number of resources required to successfully allow the employees to attain the training objective. It is also necessary for planning and implementi...
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