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Task Style Leadership versus Relationship Style Leadership

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Leadership Skills
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Leadership Skills: Chapter 5-8
Task Style Leadership versus Relationship Style Leadership
Just as good doctors treat their patients and are concerned about their patients’ welfare, leaders attend to managerial tasks while taking care of their associations with team members.As much as great leaders ought to put both aspects into consideration, one style often overshadows the other at certain occasions depending on the demands of the task at hand (Chemers, 2014). Task style leadership focuses on the organizational goal while relationship style focuses on the connections. In task style leadership, reaching the target is the core aim. The organization of schedules, assignment of roles and time frames are crucial (Northouse, 2014). Duties are upheld and every individual is expected to deliver the roles assigned to them within the stipulated time.
The well-being of team members allows them to produce optimally. Relation-based ignores the schedules and time frames paying more attention to bonding and communication. Paying attention to the workers’ well-being enables them to concentrate on the job thus making proceeds while self-aware (Chemers, 2014). Employee comfort and welfare is thus crucial to organizational achievements.
Briefly describe the steps involved in problem solving
Problem solving entails the detection of a problem, enquiry of how it came up, and initiating the solution, and following up to track the progress with regard to the issue at hand. The spearhead’s intellectual ability to notice a derailing situation is vital (Chemers, 2014). The process entails the identification of the problem, listing of several feasible solutions, and choosingthe most practical and efficient solution and implementing it.
The identification of a problematic situation is the initial step in problem solving. Recognizing a problem entails finding its root as well as establishing the cause (Chemers, 2014).Establishing the problem is crucial since the solving process cannot be initiated if the issue is not well-known. Acknowledging that there’s a problem allows the leader to instigate problem solving.
Listing possible a variety of solutions to a problem as soon as a problem is identified propels the process. The possibility of system failures and incompatibility issues necessitates various solutions (Van & Berends, 2018). This allows the team to explore the options towards the organizations objectives.
The choice of a suitable solution is crucial. The decision is influenced by a number of factors including the time-frame, cost, and efficiency. While certain solutions require long periods to implement, others are virtually instantaneous (Chemers, 2014). Some solutions require huge funds to implement while others simply require effort. Some situations require particular steps while others are open.
Effecting the solution requires effort as well as cooperation. Resourceful implementation allows eradication of the problematic situation and averts chances of such a situation arising in the near future (Van &...
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