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Evaluate Customers Satisfaction and Quality Management

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Evaluate Customers Satisfaction and Quality Management

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Customer Satisfaction and Quality Management
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Customer Satisfaction and Quality Management
In the competitive market where clients are provided with a range of options to choose, customer satisfaction is no longer an option. It is a mandatory requirement for all businesses. Pimentel (2014) suggests two ways that businesses can opt for when they compete at the global level to drive customer satisfaction. The first option is about brand loyalty and the second option is about customer retention. Barry (n.d.) further explains that customer satisfaction can be understood in terms of quality management. Quality has two sides. The first approach is on the basis of the product. The business has to determine whether the product it is delivering to the client is the one that the client is looking out for. High-quality products will make the client to come back whenever he has a need for the product or even recommend others to the business. The second approach is about the global brand-name of the product. The client would wish to know what other users are saying about the company and its products. In this era of the internet, clients will review the product in the market, research about the alternative companies offering a similar product, and compare before making a purchase decision. Unless the product is of the desired quality and meets the psychological expectations of the client, it will be nearly impossible for the business to market to the client. This paper is a research report that investigated the components of customer loyalty model (CLM) from the total quality management approach. The paper investigated the attributes of a product that the consumers prefer both locally and in the international market and gives a recommendation of what businesses could do to tap into the potential benefits.
Problem Statement
Customers are the backbone for the success of every business. However, their tastes and preferences are changing every time, making it nearly impossible for businesses to know what to offer and retain the clients. Nevertheless, some businesses are emerging successful in these market competitions, while others are losing terribly. Study has found that quality drives customer satisfaction. Satisfaction, in this context, is used to mean the value that the client derives from the product after spending the money on the product (Kiseleva et al., 2016). Consumers are living multi-dimensional lives, and their purchase behaviors are complex for businesses. However, scholars have determined that quality management from the business can drive a company to make sales and make profits from the market. At the center of the purchase decision, the client is always considering whether the product will meet his expectations or whether there is an alternative quality product or seller in the market with a better product. Every business has to do everything to make sure that it is the first in the mind of the consumer whenever a need for the product arises.
Review of the Literature
With the advent of globalization, businesses are competing at the global level with some of the most established brands at the same competitive price. Online shops have broken the communication and marketing barrier as a person can order a product miles away and have it delivered within a specified time (Zeng, Phan, & Matsui, 2015). The quality aspect of the brand and service that accompany the product determines whether the client will come for the product or not (Barry, n.d.). Quality management affects every aspect of the business and its products. Quality orientation of a product and its accompanying services is what the client is always looking for in the product.
According to Megatef and Tomalisah (2014), customer satisfaction antecedents drive total customer experience that translates into profits for the firm. It is impossible for the business to attract and retain clients without concentrating on factors that affect the satisfaction of clients. The factors may emanate within the business or externally. Internal factors have a direct impact on the brand image and the business can incur some costs to control these factors to drive quality outcomes. External factors such as competition, government regulation, and competition cannot be impacted directly, but the business can enhance internal operations to render external services productive. In every decision that the business makes, it has to consider the potential outcomes of those decisions for the business.
Study Objectives
The present study was guided by the following objectives.
To analyze the influence of product attributes to consumer behavior
To study the characteristics of offline and online consumers and how their socio-economic factors affect their purchase behavior
To determine the impact of loyalty programs on customer retention
Significance of the Study
The primary important points of this study were to provide a recommendation for businesses to channel their operations towards the findings of the study. The study found that customer loyalty and satisfaction are inseparable, and can be harnessed for the benefit of the business. Considering t...
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