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P2-Global Talent Management Management Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

REQUIREMENT: Write a paper on Global Talent Management (articles attached). Paper should begin with a thesis sentence which summarizes the point and conclusion. Please use 2 other outside sources references. Primary reference is Berger, L.A. and Berger, D.R. (ed). The Talent Management Handbook, 2018 (3rd ed). New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN:978-1-259-86355-4. Thank you.

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Global Talent Management
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Global Talent Management
In managing global talents, the key competencies that leaders must possess include cultural intelligence, effective communication, digital skills, and the ability to manage expatriates. Possession of these key competencies by leaders increases the competitive position of the organization. Globalization and technological advancement characterize today’s business environment to a great extent. As a result of these factors, leaders have to deal with new challenges including cultural diversity and expatriates’ issues. It is important that managers continue to evolve and learn new skills in order to achieve superior performance for their organizations. This paper examines the key competencies mentioned above that contemporary leaders must possess to succeed and improve the competitiveness of their organizations.
Cultural intelligence is an important competency in global talent management (GTM). A key product of today’s globalized business environment is cultural diversity. Whether companies are operating in the domestic or international market, having members of the workforce from diverse cultural backgrounds is inevitable. Key factors that differentiate cultures according to Hofstede include masculinity vs. femininity, individualism vs. collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, indulgence vs. restraint, and long-term orientation vs. short-term orientation (Kon, 2018). It is therefore important for leaders to recognize that cultural diversity is a major challenge in managing today’s talent and consequently seek out ways to improve their cultural intelligence. Kon (2018) cites Caligiuri (2012) who documented proven ways of developing culturally agile leaders. Organizations have to first determine their cultural agility baseline and seek to build it from there. High-quality interactions among culturally diverse members of the workforce should also be encouraged. Leaders should also seek to increase their knowledge of the specific cultures that characterize their workforce. Putting these practices in place in a global organization is integral to success.
Effective communication is another vital competency in the management of global talents. A key collaborative leadership skill is connecting ideas and people from outside to those within the organization (Kon, 2018). This can only be achieved through effective communication. Global organizations rely on many entities and factors to make their operations possible. According to Barker and Gower (2010), while working relationships in global organizations provide a rich source of opportunities, products, and information, there is a challenge of communicating effectively among groups that come from different backgrounds. The ability to communicate effectively is thus an important competency that managers in the contemporary business environment must possess. Within the organizations, guidelines and procedures have to be followed for effective performance. It is the duty of leaders in the organization to see to it that these guidelines and procedures are followed. With effective communica...
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