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Compare and Contrast the Quality Management Processes

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Compare and Contrast the Quality Management Processes

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A Comparison and Contrast of the Quality Management Processes
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The cornerstone of a quality enterprise is an effective quality management structure. Effective quality management procedures are essential processes which continually increase the quality an economic value of its services and products. Through such methods, an organization can enhance the experiences of its customers, which for any business are critical in customer retention (Mitra, 2016). Additionally, combining organizational behavior with quality management assists a company in staying competitive in a highly competitive market. The paper will assess the similarities and differences between quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control.
Analysis of quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control
Quality planning focuses on defining and codifying the standards that the enterprise is required to meet to be successful and the manner that these standards will be achieved and confirmed (Pimentel & Major, 2014). For entry-level quality assurance managers, they must consider quality planning in association with the rest of the company’s practices as it will influence the costs involved, scheduling and other factors.
Quality assurance focuses on identifying the product or service once created and whether they can meet the set requirements. Here, the entry-level quality assurance managers will find out the cause of non-conformance and take the necessary steps in eliminating this issue to increase the quality level (Cătălin, Bogdan & Dimitrie, 2014). They will also assure the customer of the level of quality of the product. For entry-level quality assurance managers, quality control assists in detecting the flaws in the product or implemented services and solving these issues to ensure that the product or service will adhere to the quality standards as defined by the enterprise.
Differences and similarities between quality planning, quality control, and quality assurance
Quality assurance mainly focuses on a set of activities that takes into confidence that the quality of the process of the service or product is up to standard, while quality control guarantees the fitness of the product (Zeng, Phan& Matsui, 2015). Quality planning will focus on combining both of these two elements t...
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