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Strategic Implementation Plan: Management Essay

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Strategic Implementation Plan
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Strategic Implementation Plan
Strategic implementation is a crucial factor when making decisions on issues facing an organization’s mission, vision or objectives. Strategies are normally implemented according to the organizational culture, control system, stakeholders and the organizational design so as to guarantee success in any project. The ultimate goal of this strategic implementation is to ensure a secure infrastructure for clients and workers
Milestones and Suggested Timeline
A milestone is a project marker that shows a certain change in development. Milestones are important components which aid in showcasing key events and provide a way forward in a project plan. They act as signposts through the project’s course ensuring the project managers stay on course (Patil, 2020). In this case, the project milestones will be; kickoff meetings, dates for project phases, key deliveries and a user awareness program.
Kick-off Meeting and Leadership Involvement
This is the first meeting that is held among project stakeholders before the start of a new project or project phase. In this case, the meeting members will be the human resource manager, the CEO, the project manager and six IT specialists. The meeting gives the project manager a chance to highlight the common goals so as to reach a consensus. Additionally, it gives the project members time to get to know each other and establish trust. My first role as the project manager will be to set an agenda. The agenda set will revolve around the project; milestones, goals and constraints (The Digital Project Manager, 2020). After the agenda is set, introductions will be made and the IT strategies will then be discussed in detail.
Stakeholder Responsibilities
The responsibilities of every stake holder will then be highlighted in order to ensure every individual contributes to the security of company and client data. For instance, the human resource manager will be responsible for the coming up with the sum for labor of the IT specialists. Secondly, the manager will be responsible for overseeing the overall company responsibilities. Thirdly, my responsibility as the project manager will be to ensure the smooth running of the project and create an awareness program that will minimize the threat of unauthorized access to company and client data. Last but not least, the IT specialists will be responsible for implementing software updates, troubleshooting and ensuring IT systems are secure. Other stakeholder responsibilities include: Firstly, they need to commit and provide the appropriate resources (University of Waterloo, 2020). Resources can either be in the form of money or labor. Secondly, they have to ensure the project is at par with their business goals. Thirdly, they need to make timely decisions. Every phase of the project needs to be approved by the stake holders before starting. Last but not least, they need to identify and solve any risks. If the project may be threatened by inadequate labor, stakeholders need to address the issue at the meeting and provide other sources of labor.
Communication Plan
The meeting also aims to ensure proper communication systems are established. Communication is the life blood of a project. Most projects ultimately fail due to poor communication systems. The IT implementation progress will be communicated on a weekly basis through Emails. It is my duty as a project manager to inspect the level of the progress and update the company manger on any missing requirements that may slow down or interfere with the implementation of the progress. A good communications plan determines the following: First and foremost, it guarantees the appropriate information is communicated to each stakeholder. Secondly, it provides detailed information to the right individuals (Project Management Institute, 2020). For instance, if the IT specialists require hard drives, it is my duty as the project manager to send an email to the human resource manager communicating the need for the hard drives. The human resource manager will then approve the transaction for the hard drives and later send an email to confirm if the purchase was made. Additionally, after any project phase is completed, it is my duty to check in with the departments involved in order to provide the stakeholders with a detailed report at the next kick-off meeting.
Finally, there should be a question and answer part where the various stake holders communicate any doubts they may have for clarification. A kickoff meeting has the following benefits: Firstly, it helps team members to get to know each other. In order for a project to be successful, the various stake holders need to believe their counterparts will play their roles (University of Waterloo, 2020). Secondly, it portrays the project manager’s authority. The project manager is responsible for ensuring all project members assume their responsibilities.
Dates for project phases and Key Deliverable
To begin with, the first phase of the project aims to create customer account. This is the first and most crucial step in the implementation of the IT strategy and policies becaus...
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