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Impact of Variation Management Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Read, ‘How to Compare Six Sigma, Lean and the Theory of Constraints’

•Set-up: Open the ’Balanced Line Dice Simulator; excel document – Hit Setup to re-set to the starting position

•Note the spreadsheet in the starting position. What is the ‘planned capacity’ and ‘planned lead time of the system? What would you expect the output to be after 30 days and why?

•Run the simulation for 30 days. Ignore the button labelled ’Run 30’ hitting it will cause an error. To simulate 30 days of production you need to run a production cycle each day for 30 days. To do this hit ‘Roll’ which effectively simulates a dice roll and that will give that current days production. Then hit ‘Pass’ which passes the output to the WIP of the next workstation. That is one day. Note that the ‘Round no. has progressed to 1. Continue this for 30 rolls of the dice, or 30 days of production. Once you have hit round 30 stop. Note and post your results. Identify what the current productivity and lead time is. Explain why you think the actual is different from the expected. Refer to the article titled, ‘How to Compare Six Sigma, Lean and the Theory of Constraints’ as a way of justifying your explanation.

•Read the article ‘How to Compare Six Sigma, Lean and the Theory of Constraints’. Based on the results of your simulation discuss:

why TOC is the best method for managing production processes (be able to compare and contrast to Lean and Six Sigma)

I upload the article and the excel document.

please make the essay compelling – they are specific, and clearly written, they exhibit strong cause-effect logic, that is claims or opinions are strongly and obviously supportable!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Impact of Variation
Name Course Instructor Date
•Read the article ‘How to Compare Six Sigma, Lean and the Theory of Constraints’. Based on the results of your simulation discuss:
When using Six Sigma there is a need to determine the processes that result in fluctuations and reduce the variation to get the expected outcome (Nave, 2002). In the simulation, there are different results based on the variation. In the simulation, the results of the “setup” remain constant across several rounds the output is “0”, the work-in-progress is “24”, while the lead time “days” is “7”. This differs from the results prior to the simulation at “73”, “61” and “25” lead time days. On the other hand, the results of the roll and pass phases change over time. In the first roll phase, the output is “1”, the WIP is “25”, and lead time “days” is “25” and change to 4, 126, and 945 respectively af...
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