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BBA3651 Unit 1 Essay Management Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:


In this unit, you were introduced to various leadership styles and some of the benefits and challenges of each. For the Unit I Essay, you will research this further and consider your own leadership style.

Your essay will address the following:

-Explain which leadership style you find to be the most effective: transactional, transformational, autocratic, democratic, liberal, or servant. As part of your explanation, include a detailed description of the leadership style and why you find it to be the most effective.

-Include examples of leaders who have successfully utilized this leadership style to increase the performance of their followers.

Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length in APA style. The title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum page length. Outside sources are not a requirement for this essay, but if you choose to use them, they must be cited and referenced according APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Leadership is an integral part of our lives and it determines to a great extent our success. Be it at personal or organizational level, leadership offers a sense of direction for the accomplishment of something better. While there are many different leadership styles, the one that I find most effective is the transformational leadership style. According to Northouse (2019), this leadership style has grown tremendously in popularity in the last three decades, majorly because of its emphasis on follower development and intrinsic motivation, aspects which are significantly important to the modern-day employee. Therefore, I find the transformational leadership style the most effective because of its emphasis on development and intrinsic motivation.
From its name, this leadership style implies a process that transforms people. Northouse (2019) defines transformational leadership as the process where an individual engages with others and develops relationships that raise the level of morality in both the follower and the leader. A transformational leader pays attention to the motives and needs of the followers while helping them reach their full potential. It is deducible that a key feature of this leadership style is the transformation of both the follower and the leader. As the leader helps the followers accomplish organizational and personal goals, he or she also grows to become better in addressing personal and organizational challenges. Mahatma Gandhi and Ryan White are historical examples of transformational leaders. Gandhi instilled hope in his people and he was transformed in the process while White raised awareness about AIDS, which transformed him to be a spokesperson for the same (Northouse, 2019). The key behaviors of such leaders, according to Northouse (2019), are inspirational motivation, idealized influence, individualiz...
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