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Self-Reflection Paper: Chinese Culture

Essay Instructions:

The goal of this paper is to encourage students to reflect on the role that culture plays in various aspects of life, including personal and professional life. The reflection paper must include an APA style cover, reference page, and in-text citations. The paper must be at least 3 pages in length (not including cover and reference page) and must be doubled-spaced, 12-point font and submitted on a Microsoft Word document. Only Turnitin submissions will be accepted.

Self-Reflection Paper Due: Saturday by 11:59 pm (Please note: There will be a 10% reduction in grade for each day the paper is late.)

In constructing your paper, please address the questions below. Make sure you synthesize course material into your paper (information from the eText and additional resources is expected).

Identify yourself and your family in respect to your culture/ethnicity, and be as specific as possible. For example, South Korean rather than Asian; or Cuban rather than Latino.

Discuss the impact of your ethnic identity on your daily life and your development as a person. Discuss times when your ethnicity became a source of pride and times when it may have been a challenge?

Discuss how your ethnicity plays out in your work life?

How do your cultural experiences relate to specific topics and concepts discussed in the chapter and additional resources?

How would you create a workplace training program that enhances sensitivity to and acceptance of cultural diversity? What would it look like? Be specific.

Self-Reflection Paper graded according to the following criteria:

Writing is clear, organized, logical, and free of writing mistakes (grammar, punctuation, spelling, paragraph usage...): up to 15 points

Responses to all the above questions are insightful, utilizing appropriate details and examples: up to 35 points

Application of knowledge gained from the course content: up to 35 points

Proper use of APA style: up to 15 points

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Self-Reflection Paper
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Self-Reflection Paper
I am Chinese, born by Chinese parents. My ethnicity has a huge impact on my life since it determines my day-to-day activities. China has a lot of cultural practices that dictate people's life. These cultural practices have played a huge role in shaping my personality. Through this culture, I have been able to differentiate between what is wrong and that which is right. I think without such a culture, I would not have the kind of personality I currently have. For instance, Chinese culture requires that older people should be treated with respect. Such is an aspect that I have learned ever since I was little. Therefore, regardless of whether I am in a school or social setting, I have to express respect towards other people. Chinese culture has guidelines on how various things ought to be done. These guidelines might be different from those used in other countries. It is such a difference that makes the Chinese culture unique in shaping my personality. If I had grown up in a different culture, the chances are high that I might have a different personality. However, I believe that being Chinese has helped me develop the best personality possible.
A lot of people across the world have a lot of respect for the Chinese ethnicity. For instance, people respect our ways of doing business and the respect we show to people from other ethnicities. Such aspects make me proud of my ethnicity. I have interacted with students from different ethnicities, and all they had to say about our culture was positive things. Some of the students preferred to pursue careers in China rather than in their countries. Such made me realize that I am a part of a culture that provides the best work environments. Therefore, I would love to work in a Chinese company in the future. The student would admire how fast our economy was growing. The economic growth was attributed to good leadership, cultural practices, and the desire to meet organizational goals. These are factors that other ethnicities might not have, thus explaining the economic growth rate difference.
An example of a situation where I might not have felt proud of my ethnicity is when I heard people discuss how Chinese tourists tend to be rude while visiting other countries. I have known people from my ethnicity to be respectful of other individuals' cultures, so such comments would...
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