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Organizational Behavior Problems

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Organizational Behavior Problems
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People behave differently, a factor that often affects how they behave in an organization. Some people are too bossy and command other workers even when they do not have any role in the organization. Such instances may lead to conflict among employees in an organization, leading to a drop in its ratings. I concentrated on employee conflicts within the organization. This essay describes what I learned about myself, the most challenging process, the part that required me to master new skills, my advice to other people, how I would solve the problem differently, and how happy I am with the outcomes of the solution I implemented.
I learned several things about myself while seeking the solution for employee conflict within an organization. People are not the same, and we all need to adjust to their behaviors instead of adjusting to how we would like to see them behave. Employees primarily enter into a conflict because of how their colleagues behave (Stokols, 2018). From my data, most employees hated some of their colleagues because they behaved like bosses despite being of the same rank. Others complained that some of their colleagues would make up stories and report them to the authorities leading to bad blood. Some said that they hated some of their colleagues because they talk too much. In the least of reasons, some employees reported that colleagues exposed their work secrets to their friends within and outside the organization's premises.
The above summary of the data taught me that I should never fully trust my colleagues because not all of them have good intentions. Some of them may not be happy with my progress and would want to see me quit the job or be fired. Hence, they will report me even without a substantive mistake. These lead to employee conflicts within an organization. I also learned that it is crucial to keep a professional profile while at the workplace. This will help me maintain a limited relationship with my colleagues, hence, protecting my work. I should only keep a minimal social relationship for the prosperity of my professional affair in the organization.
The most challenging part of the process was bringing the employees together and making them confess their relationships before reconciling those in conflict. Others believed that they would never associate on other platforms, apart from ...
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