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Management Essay: Blue Sky Project

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Blue Sky Project
1 If you were Hudson, how would respond to the director?
If I were Hudson I would have leveraged my strengthens and highlighted how I would impact the project. For instance, his collaboration with Professor Amanda yielded positive results colleagues around the world, and how he benefited the institute through choosing OpenRange as the preferred cloud service provider. Highlighting his contribution and working relations would have left a positive impression on the director
2 What mistake did Hudson make? What are the lessons learn from this case?
Mistake 1:
Hudson introduced himself to the staff members, but then failed to create and maintain proper working relations. Hudson also spent a lot of time in his office with minimal interaction with his work colleagues
Hudson needed to use some of Jackson’s tactics, to gain the support of his, and a MBWA approach would have helped achieve positive results approach. Hudson appeared aloof and unresponsive to the colleagues as he did not interact with them
Mistake 2:
Hudson failed to address the issue with Tom Jackson, which caused awareness and lack of clarity on role and responsibilities.
Hudson should have been more empathetic towards Jackson who was passed over for promotion. Giving assurance and showing concern was essential as Jackson was apprehensive about his job security, and especially whether he would still be employed after the project.
Mistake 3:
Hudson failed to manage upward relations well and sparingly attended staff meetings. He was more present when the a meeting agenda affected his group. Even though, Hudson is allergic he would still have attended staff lunch and interacted with th...
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