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Option #1: Using Problem Solving to Address Challenges

Essay Instructions:

Option #1: Using Problem Solving to Address Challenges

Leaders of organizations are charged with solving problems every day. Think back to an organizational challenge or decision in your company (or in one that you wish to research). This should be a decision that the organization's leaders made. Address the following in a paper:

Provide a brief history/background of the organizational challenge.

Explain how the problem was resolved, using the steps from the problem-solving process presented in this module. If certain steps were skipped, name them and explain why.

Consider how you/the organization might have approached the problem differently. Again, use the steps from the problem-solving process.

Hypothesize whether the approach might have had a different outcome.

Assignment Requirements:

Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length, not counting the required title and references pages.

Format your paper according to the CSU Global Writing Center and the 7th edition APA Guidelines .

Cite a minimum of six scholarly sources to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to the textbook, four of which should be academic, peer-reviewed sources. (You may not use the required and recommended readings for this course.)

Be sure to review the Critical Thinking Assignment rubric for details regarding grading standards.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Using Problem Solving to Address Challenges
Using Problem Solving to Address Challenges
Leaders may get organizations into the challenge of poor communication around and within the organization in multiple ways. Some leaders have failed in this aspect by their weakness of avoiding confrontations with their teams to create awareness of the organization's issues or hold them accountable for what they knew and probably did not accomplish. I have worked with a leadership team with a significant challenge of effective communication originating from the lack of honest, constructive, and open dialogues on aspects, including the team members' styles, skills, and conduct (Kokemuller, 2019). The problem results in negative impacts like negligence as the workers affirm that the leaders are not concerned about them and how they benefit the organization, concerning their duties. Eventually, poor communication limits the organization's performance since both the leaders and their teams are not working to maximize or hard enough to reach the anticipated growth and success levels.
Poor communication limits organizations in multiple ways. It yields problems such as limiting employee engagement, creating a culture of distrust, uncertainty, and weak customer interaction (Kokemuller, 2019). These aspects are essential in all business operations geared towards the organization's success, and failing in any of them affects organizations significantly. Gulbrandsenn & Just (2016) argues that management teams need to understand that their business environment ought to evolve and change to accommodate aspects including and not limited to technological advancements to create a more diverse and predictable workplace. However, they can only achieve their goals by engaging in effective communication regarding all business operations and everything happening in the organizations. Poor communication is a significant challenge in organizations. Team leaders should seek solutions to the issue through the best problem-solving model to ensure its ultimate optimization and continuity.
Solving Poor Communication Challenge in Organizations
While there is the six-step decision-making model related to problem-solving, organizations opt for different ways depending on the problem in question. Encountering and solving poor communication in an organization is hectic and requires a powerful solution, considering the detriment it causes organizations. Although the problem-solving models have multiple steps, most organizations do not engage all the phases in their processes. They engage the most significant to them regarding the issue and avoid some, maybe avoid long, tedious process and attain a quick solution without large capital and more time investment. Thus, various people use different approaches to attain solutions for problems. According to Hussain (2018), the technique employed must be collaborative, shared, and systematic for optimal solutions. Looking into the poor communication challenge, the six-step problem-solving model would be appropriate to attaining an excellent solution.
Although all the steps are essential and carried out in repetition, people may ignore some of the steps. Each step among the implemented ones must be completed before moving to the next one in all the engaging phases. While organizations may ignore some steps, there are significant steps involved in the problem to be solved desirably. For instance, leaders cannot solve a problem they do not know, and the idea builds up to the first significant step of defining the problem (De Mast & Lokkerbol, 2012). The step involves a clear diagnosis of the problem by identifying its context, background, and symptoms. Grasping the problem paves the way for discovering implications of...
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