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Human Resourses: Why People and Companies Need Purpose

Essay Instructions:

Listen to two cases, analysis and add your own thoughts

677: Why People — and Companies — Need Purpose

Nicholas Pearce, clinical associate professor at Kellogg School of Management, says too many companies andindividuals go about their daily business without a strong sense of purpose. He argues that companies that are notsimply profit-driven are more likely to succeed and that the same goes for people. He says individuals who aligntheir daily job with their life’s work will be happier and more productive. Pearce is also a pastor, an executive coach,and the author of the book "The Purpose Path: A Guide to Pursuing Your Authentic Life's Work."

681: Global Workers Are Ready for Retraining

Joseph Fuller, professor at Harvard Business School, says that the story we hear about workers being afraid for thefuture of their jobs might not be right. In surveying 11,000 people in lower-income and middle-skills jobs and 6,500managers across 11 countries, Fuller discovered that, contrary to what bosses believe, many employees are excitedabout new technologies and willing to be trained in new skills. But they don't always know what they need to learn orhow to access and pay for it. Organizations can do a better job of identifying the skills gaps they have or will soonface and using their existing workforces to fill them. Fuller's project is a joint venture between the HBS Project onManaging the Future of Work and the Boston Consulting Group’s Henderson Institute. He's a co-author of the HBRarticle “Your Workforce is More Adaptable Than You Think."

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Human Resources
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Human Resources
Why People and Companies Need Purpose
Businesses and individuals need to have a strong sense of purpose, according to Nicholas Pearce. Pearce, the author of the book “The Purpose Path: A Guide to Pursuing Your Authentic Life’s Work”, argues that people and businesses are more likely to become successful if their primary objectives are not geared towards making profits. The author, who is also a pastor and an executive coach, says that people who align their daily job with their life’s work tend to be more productive and happier (Harvard Business Review, 2019). Rather than salaries and prestige, many employees want to make a difference in other people’s lives, and businesses are increasingly getting inclined towards corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities to make the world a better place for all. These engagements are purpose-driven and define the reason for their existence. Besides, such goals and purpose are what drive results or profits. A sustainable business that commits to CSR builds its brand image and increases its clientele base, which eventually translated to profits.
Instead of treating workers as commodities and placing value on profits, companies should prize and cherish their employees as invaluable assets. On the part of workers, being able to work for food and shelter might be essential, but if the same work destroys one’s soul, then the culture becomes toxic and meaningless as it is not aligned with the purpose of life. Pearce recommends couching of workers who are not able to connect with their souls as well as those doing valuable work for a firm on autopilot without authentic alignment and care (Standfield, 2019). Team leaders must apply creativity while assigning duties to workers based on their strengths. If a worker is not productive in a certain department, it is important to find them a different area where they can exploit their potentials. This way, the purpose of life can be defined.
Global Workers are Ready fo...
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