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Dyadic Team Development Across Cultures: Case Analysis

Essay Instructions:


For this assignment, you will use the following case study.

Vandaveer, V. V. (2012). Dyadic team development across cultures: A case study. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 64(4), 279–294. Retrieved from https://libraryresources(dot)columbiasouthern(dot)edu/login?url=http://search(dot)ebscohost(dot)com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=buh&AN=85301202&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Given this scenario, include the following topics:

Explain how culture can affect perceptions of team members in a group.

Discuss strategies for working with leaders or team members who originate from a different culture than you.

Expound on the significance of using the best type of verbiage to communicate with other members of a team in order to prove successful in task completion.

Share the benefits of connecting with humor to build team camaraderie.

Explain how personality traits, social factors, and styles of leadership can affect the competence and loyalty of a team member.

Determine the different career options an employee might consider when having trouble working with a cohort or leader of a department.

Formulate your response to these questions using APA format in a minimum of a two-page paper that includes at least two outside sources. Therefore, two additional sources, in addition to the case study, are required. Please use the CSU Online Library databases to find academic journals as sources.

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Dyadic Team Development Across Cultures: Case Analysis
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Dyadic Team Development Across Cultures: Case Analysis
In "Dyadic team development across cultures: A case study" Vandaveer (2012), a strong case is made for cultural differences as powerful shapers of actions in organizational settings. Two main characters are used for examples: Steve and Misha. Each hailing from completely different cultural, social, and professional backgrounds – Steve from an individualistic, US
Culture; Misha from a collectivistic, Muslim background – Steve and Misha exhibit different actions in responding to similar or same situations. To close identified gaps between Steve and Misha, Vandaveer, also a consultant in the current case study, develop a working strategy. Specifically, Vandaveer establishes contexts Steve and Misha interact in by interviewing and observing the actions of each. Second, Vandaveer, facilitating sessions (for each separately and including both), offers a more open platform for each to speak up and share concerns and stories in a more relaxed manner. Third, the actions and attitudes of Steve and Misha are monitored over a given period to identify any improvements and/or lapses. Finally, lessons are shared and reported, and reflections are made on the overall experience. This strategy is similarly applicable to leaders or team members originating from a different culture I belong to.
Communication matters. That is why using appropriate language, and verbiage is critical in order to ensure successful task completion. In the current case, Vandaveer identifies several statements and phrases used by Steve and Misha to communicate different matters. Given cultural differences between Steve and Misha, argues Vandaveer, misunderstandings, or "misfires," are identified and, in fact, expected. The difference in language and verbiage Steve and Misha uses includes statements and phrases such as "I need her to drive strategy" vs. "He is never satisfied . . . is always saying 'we don't do X very well'. . . trivializes what we all do,"


"She's not showing confidence—is very tentative" vs. "There is never any encouragement from him . . . nothing to let us know we're on the right track," and "When I make a suggestion, she goes away and then brings back exactly what I said to do—not thinking for herself" vs. "He blames me for the Leadership Team's refusal to make any compromis...
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