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Management Essay: Alternative Goals and Strategic Options to their Implementation

Essay Instructions:

subject: management policy and strategy

Written report topic:In view of the above, what alternative medium-to long-term goals should the company consider? What strategic options are there to achieve the alternative goals?

Industry/company :iPhone (Apple Inc. ) in Hong Kong

Others: Textbook knowledge should be combined with the iPhone in Hong Kong.

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Alternative Goals and Strategic Options to their Implementation
Alternative Goals and Strategic Options for their Implementation
Apple has had a rather tumultuous history while operating in the Chinese market. Since its entry into the market, it has struggled to maintain a leading role in the market. For example, in 2019, shipments from Apple dropped “14% year over year while its market share dropped to 5.8% from 6.4% in the same period” (Feuer, 2020). What the above insinuates is a decline in the consumers’ interest in iPhones. However, while Apple has been struggling in the Chinese market, the company has been making major moves in the Hong Kong market. In Hong Kong, Apple has held the position of smartphone leader for several years now. Statista Research Department (2020) notes that the company’s market share stands at over 40%. iPhone sales skyrocket whenever there is a new release of phones. However, even though Apple’s market share has been above 40%, the company has seen better days. For example, in 2018, Apple had a market share of over 60% in the Hong Kong market. In mid-2019, Apple had a market share of over 50% as well. It is crucial that the company considers strategies to help ensure it maintains its pole position. Competition from Chinese smartphone manufacturers is quite high. Huawei, Oppo, Xiaomi, and Vivo have been gunning for the company’s market share in the Chinese market and in the Hong Kong market. With a smartphone penetration rate that is highest in the world, Hong Kong does present a market that is up for grabs. However, only smart competitors will find ways to take advantage.
Medium-term goals
The relationship Apple has had with customers has been great for a long time now. However, the company’s reputation took a hit recently when it appeared to side with the government during the Hong Kong protests. It was widely acknowledged that iPhone’s AirDrop function was quite useful to protesters in Hong Kong. However, it was widely reported that Apple pulled down an app by the name of HK Map Live. The app was designed specifically to help protesters “locate police and demonstrations” (Paunescu, 2019). However, Apple decided to remove the app from Apple Store, saying that it promoted or encouraged illegal activity. There was widespread outcry from not only the protesters in Hong Kong but also Apple customers all over the world. The relationship between Apple and its customers was clearly battered, and it is time that the company makes amends or else such a move will end up hurting the company’s sales. If Apple is brandished as a sympathizer of the oppressive regimes, it is highly likely that its pole position as a smartphone leader in Hong Kong will be gone soon. Reaching the highs of 60% will be impossible going forward regardless of the many new launches the company will do. What Apple did is likely to set a precedent all over the world. Governments will soon start to strong-arm companies into doing their dirty work. Democracy is indeed in peril if companies like Apple will join the side of those seeking to undermine it.
Long-term goals
This phase of implementing...
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