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Management Essay: Benchmark – Retail Store Major Project Proposal

Essay Instructions:

You currently work for a retail store that carries basic household goods, some groceries, and health and beauty products. The store is located in the small community (approximately 5,000 total residents) in which you live and is looking to expand its operations in some way.

For this assignment, you are required to develop a major project proposal to be undertaken by your employer. You may decide to expand your product offerings or open an additional store in an adjacent community, for example.

You may use figure 2.4A and B in chapter 2 of your textbook as a general outline of what your proposal should entail. Your project proposal must include the following components:

Project title

Project manager (yourself)

Problem definition or project rationale: Describe the problem or opportunity for improvement.

Goal definition: Describe the project goals.

Objective definition: Quantify the savings or benefits you expect from completing this project. How much will it cost (hours, materials, methods, equipment, etc.)? Estimate how long the project will take to complete.

Resources: Identify the resources necessary to complete the project.

Risk analysis: Identify the major risks associated with undertaking this project. How likely is it that these risks will occur? How will the project be impacted if these risks occur?

Refer to "The Retail Store" for additional information about your organization.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to LopesWrite.


PSC 450.v10M1R.The Retail Store.pdf


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Benchmark – Retail Store Major Project Proposal
Student’s Name:
Unit Name & Number:
Date of Submission
Benchmark – Retail Store Major Project Proposal
Project title 
Growing the size of our retail stores
Project management
I will be in charge of the project myself because I am the project manager.
Problem definition or project rationale
We currently own and manage three retail stores. As part of our expansion strategy, we wish to expand our existing stores' size and install modern technology. The existing stores are small and have been in existence for many years, serving a vast population with many customers. Our company's mission is to enhance convenience and quality in offering our products. That has enabled us to grow and win many customers' hearts who have shown their loyalty by always coming back. Therefore, we always try to be responsible and meet their needs. Over the years, we have seen an increase in the number of customers, and our stores have been overwhelmed, leading to congestion. Several customers have raised complaints that the stores are congested, and they take a lot of time before they are served; hence there are delays. The retail stores no longer accommodate many products to meet the demand.
From a business and customer service perspective, if the customer concerns are not addressed, we may lose them, affecting our profitability and damage our brand. The inadequate space has also led to inefficiencies since it doesn't accommodate several products hence congesting the place. Therefore, this is a compelling reason for us to increase the space and size to enhance efficiency, reduce delays and congestion, and improve customer satisfaction and experience.
We will retain existing customers with this strategy because we will have addressed their concerns about congestion and delays. As a company, we will have more space to store our products, improved efficiency, and faster deliveries and products sale. The overall effect will increase in profitability due to improved efficiency, which reduces cost and increase sales due to customer satisfaction.
Project goals
The project goal guides the project on what to accomplish at a given time (Armenia et al., 2019). Our primary goal in this project is to improve our efficiency by providing adequate space in our retail stores and advanced technology. Another goal is to enhance customer satisfaction by making sure that there are...
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