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Self-Assessment on Journey as a Leader

Essay Instructions:

Under content is instruction about this paper. I will upload the reading materials which you need to read. the paper need to mach the Grading criterial !! thank you. I will upload self-assessment. You don't need read all the class reading but the paper need to cover knowledge from the class reading and book(Transitions). I filled out self-assessment. so you may need to write paper also based on self-assessment score. Thank you ! this is really important to me!

Self-assessment Paper

Where have you come from, where do you want to go, and where are you now? Having read Bridge’s Transitions and completed the various assessments shared in earlier weeks, where are you in your journey to become a leader who can drive change? Take a personal inventory of your vision for how you can be a leader who has a big “ripple effect” in, and on, the world. What’s “your story?” and what experiences have you had that foment your priorities? Where have you seen models of what to (and not to) do, and what do you know / understand about yourself that helps you identify where you are in this journey now?

Write a paper that brings together the book, articles you’ve read, discussions we’ve had in class, and the assessments you completed. (... not all, just the ones you find most relevant to your overall narrative). Discuss your goals for personal and broader change and growth, and how your strengths and experiences can be leveraged to attain them. Finally, share how you plan to get there.

Grading Criteria:

• 5 pages maximum, Times New Roman, double spaced, 12 point font, 1” margins

• Appropriate and thorough application of at least 2 self-assessments.

• Appropriate and thorough application of readings (including the book-"Transitions-Willian Bridges") and class discussions

• Thorough and frank analysis of yourself currently versus your goals

• Paper is well organized, proof-read, and void fo typos (see written grading rubric)

(If you’re still reading, hopefully you caught that)

• Use text citations for all non-original thought/quotes following APA 7th formatting and sources must be cited appropriately

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Self-Assessment Paper
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Self-Assessment Paper
The recent exposures in this class, interactions with diverse reading materials, and peer discussions have revealed interesting insights about leadership and the journey one can take to develop appropriate traits in this area. A thorough introspection and assessment also demonstrate my continued growth and gradual uptake of fundamental knowledge and practices that distinguish a person in this area. Despite these elements, George et al. (2007) point out that no cookie-cutter leadership style exists, challenging individuals to remain authentic by constantly learning and allowing their stories to give birth to authentic leaders. Achieving such an outcome relies on an individual’s commitment to personal development. As a result, this paper explores my journey as an emerging leader, assesses my current leadership characteristics, and projects the trajectory of my broader change and plans for achieving these goals.
I realize that I have always been in transition throughout my life and my leadership journey. As Bridges & Bridges (2019) acknowledges, people remain in constant change as they encounter new experiences, environments, and information. As a life-long learner, Bridges’ text has ignited a fundamental awareness of my personality and changes in my life. A reflection of my life reveals that I have had a noticeable leadership past growing gradually. For instance, I have taken up leadership positions in my school and local community groups. Overseeing sharing of sports team resources in my neighborhood during a past sponsorship activity also exposed me to critical elements of leadership. The only concern is the absence of adequate preparations and recognition of the critical aspects for fast-tracking these events. This understanding agrees with Bridges and Bridges’ (2019) argument that change constantly avalanches in people despite their grotesque unpreparedness. The author adds that the pace of these transitions can be so fast that they leave individuals disoriented, making them lose sight of the destination. However, my passionate nature about leading and learning has enabled me to remain focused and persevere because I believe my growth trend leads to the desired destination.
Despite experiencing a relatively challenging life story, I am determined to continue to progress and become a recognizable national and global leader in the business and management sector. In my youthful days, I realized how unpredictable the financial health of a family could become after witnessing my family oscillate from sufficiency to deficiency, making it difficult to meet some of the basic needs in challenging times. Like many other family units, relationship conflicts can rock the lives of young adults, requiring other individuals to intervene and reassure them that they still have a chance, irrespective of their shortcomings. While interacting with the different course materials, I realized that my life story closely correlates with Vasella, though not from all perspectives (George et al., 2007). The assistance from different personalities towards my family marks one of my inspirations for making a difference in people’s lives in any capacity because I recognize that little gestures lead to significant transformations.
Today, I aspire to transition into an authentic leader progressively. I agree with Ibarra (2015) that struggling with authenticity is commonplace among individuals due to the radical changes while trying to improve one’s game and desire to create a desirable persona. As a result, I want to align my personality with my leadership goals and ensure that it does not become a derailment in my career, as observed by Chamorro-Premuzic (2017) in his article. I am a leader who cares about other people’s growth. As a result, I aim to overcome the downsides and capitalize on my strengths to seamlessly interact with others and bring out the best in their work and behaviors. Such an aspect will transform me into a sought-after leader in my career.
My progress so far demonstrates that I have made significant advancements in the journey of becoming a change-driving leader. For instance, the self-assessment rating on the emotional intelligence quotient indicates that I have desirable scores on different elements, including self-control, transparency, conscientiousness, political awareness, collaboration and teamwork, and social awareness. According to Chamorro-Premuzic (2017), specific traits distinguish leaders because they enable them to interact with others seamlessly and devise solutions to issues in different contexts. My ratings for cultural intelligence also indicate significant growth, considering that I scored a minimum of 4 in each of the cognitive, physical, and emotional/motivational domains. Such an aspect reveals a minimal need for improvements since a score of 3 flags areas that require attention. However, other areas represented by the feedback preference inventory indicate a likelihood of relying on either external or internal feedback more through the total score of 57. It demonstrates a drawback considering that George et al. (2007) affirm the importance of honest feedback in assisting authentic leaders in grounding themselves. In this context, overreliance on one source may compromise this aspect. As a result, t...
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