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Work Breakdown Structure

Essay Instructions:

Option #1: Create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)—Essay

Based on the course readings and your research, address the following requirements:

1. Delivery Performance Domain: In your own words, with cited support from peer-reviewed or professionally published sources such as CSU Global library resources, identify the activities and functions associated with delivering the scope and quality that typical projects are undertaken to achieve (see Section 2.6 in the PMBOK Guide - 7th edition to find out more about these activities and functions delineated in the Delivery Performance Domain).

1. Discuss some of the main considerations from the perspective of the Project Requirements (including requirements elicitation, evolving and discovering requirements and managing requirements).

2. Work breakdown structure (WBS) a technique for Scope Definition

 In your own words, with cited support from peer-reviewed or professionally published sources such as CSU Global library resources, clearly and concisely define the construct of a project work breakdown structure (WBS)

 Based on the project elements presented in Problem 11-2 of the textbook (Kerzner, 2022, p. 429), use a software application of your choosing (e.g., Microsoft Vision or Charts in https://app(dot)diagrams(dot)net/) to create a WBS (down through level 3). Include your WBS as an appendix to your essay.

 Describe how your WBS can be used to plan this project scenario.

Write an essay to address the above-noted requirements and properly organize your writing by including the following:

• Cover page

• Introduction

• Body of your work in response to the assignment's key elements, with headings and subheadings

• Conclusion

• List of references

• Appendix (WBS)

The introduction through conclusion sections of your essay should be approximately 4-5 pages in length. Support your assignment with a minimum of three peer-reviewed or professionally published sources such as CSU Global library (Links to an external site.) resources. The Project Management Resources Guide (Links to an external site.) is a great place to start. The written section should follow the CSU Global Writing Center. (Links to an external site.). Consult the Sample paper (Links to an external site.) template for more information on how to organize the paper and review the rubric for specific grading criteria.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Work Breakdown Structure
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Work Breakdown Structure
According to Devi (2021), a project work breakdown structure (WBS) is a document that defines the work that needs to be done on a project and the resources that will be used to carry out that work. It is typically used during project planning to help prioritize and sequence the tasks involved in a project. A work breakdown structure should be created at the beginning of a project to provide a clear outline of the work that needs to be completed. It should be time-phased, department-phased, or division-phased so that each element of the project is assigned a distinct time frame, department, or division. This will ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.
Activities and Functions Associated with Delivering a project
Communicating with the customer or client
The company should have a clear and concise process for communicating with the customer or client to ensure their expectations are met in the Delivery Performance Domain. This process should include regular updates on the status of the project, as well as any changes that have been made to the project plan. In addition, the company should be available to answer any questions that the customer or client may have.
Reviewing project progress.
Reviewing project progress and milestones is an important part of ensuring that quality standards are being met. This process ensures that potential problems are identified and addressed promptly (Devi, 2021). It also allows for the identification of areas where additional resources may be required.
Quality assurance and testing.
Providing training and support to users of the project deliverables is, therefore, a key component of successful project delivery. There are a number of different ways to provide training and support to users. One common approach is to provide online documentation and tutorials that users can access at their own pace. Another approach is to provide in-person training sessions where users can ask questions and get more hands-on experience with the product. Whatever approach is used, it is important to ensure that users have the opportunity to learn about the product and how to use it effectively. Providing training and support is an important part of ensuring successful product delivery.
In order to ensure that our project continuously improves, we rely on feedback from users. We use this feedback to assess the quality of our project and identify areas that need improvement. We then take steps to address these areas, whether it be through changes to the project itself or through changes to our processes. This feedback loop helps us ensure that we always provide the best possible experience for our users.
Project requirements
There are a few main considerations when thinking about project requirements from the perspective of requirements elicitation, evolving and discovering requirements, and managing requirements. One of the first things to consider is what the project is trying to achieve and what different stakeholders want to see from the project. This can help guide the requirements elicitation process and ensure that all relevant stakeholders are considered (Jonasson, 2007). Another key consideration is how the requirements will evolve over time – as the project develops, new insights and perspectives may emerge, which could change the requirements. It is important to be flexible and open to these changes and to have a process in place for managing and tracking requirements changes. Finally, it is also important to think about how the requirements will be verified and tested during the project – this can help identify any potential risks or issues early on.
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