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Human Resource Planning and Organizational Strategy and the Elements of Staffing Process

Essay Instructions:

In a four- to five-page paper (excluding the title and references pages), discuss the relationship between human resource planning activities and the organization’s strategic development and implementation. Describe the eight elements of the staffing process. Examine the relationship between the eight elements of the staffing process and the four activities related to human resource planning.

Based on the information in Chapter 9: Case: Concussion and the National Football League, review the human resource planning process and the previous readings from Chapter 6. Explain the relationship between the four activities of human resource planning and the organization’s strategic planning, development, and implementation.

Your paper should include in-text citations and references for at least three scholarly sources, in addition to the text, and be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Resource Planning and Organizational Strategy
Department, University
Human Resource Planning and Organizational Strategy
Strategic planning and management are critical for the success of an organization. Strategic planning involves establishing an organization's long-term goals and implementing a systematic process to attain these goals. Strategic management refers to planning, organizing, leading, and controlling functions essential for achieving the organization's goals and objectives. In addition to strategic planning and management, an organization also requires the full cooperation of its workforce. Consequently, an organization achieves its labor needs by investing in human resource planning, which develops a team of skilled and dedicated workers striving to accomplish its goals and objectives.
The Relationship between HR Planning and Staffing
An organization needs human resource planning to help it find and develop the right talent to achieve its objectives. Human resource planning refers to forecasting an organization’s needs for employees in the future, taking into account the internal and external labor supply to address staffing requirements (Samwel, 2018). Besides predicting an organization's employee needs, planning also includes designing programs to meet these needs. There are four key activities involved in the human resource planning process.
The first HR planning function is analyzing the current labor supply. This process involves identifying an organization's current workforce by looking at the number of employees, their skills, qualifications, and performance levels (George, 2019). HR planning is important in an organization as it enables it to achieve its staffing needs. First, it facilitates workforce planning to identify workforce requirements in an organization. Second, HR planning makes recruitment easy as it identifies labor deficiencies in the organization and the right talents to occupy the positions. In addition, HR planning is involved in the selection process to ensure that the best candidates are chosen. Thus, HR planning is very important in recruitment and selection as it determines labor deficiencies in an organization by analyzing its present labor force.
Second, HR Planning involves forecasting labor demand. This process involves outlining the future workforce demands of an organization (George, 2019). The HR personnel may consider various factors influencing forecasting demand for personnel, such as budget constraints, retirement, contract terminations, transfers and relocations, and turnover due to resignations (Samwel, 2018). This information may be used in staffing recruitment and selection processes to select only candidates who are the right fit for the organization. Thus, HR planning addresses the future workforce demand of an organization by making forecasts and recommending the right candidate profiles for recruitment.
Third, HR planning involves balancing labor demand with supply. This process involves creating a gap analysis, which identifies specific labor needs in a company (Hayes, 2022). As a result of this information, the organization may recommend training and development to its employees to learn crucial skills. Alternatively, the company may recruit new employees with the skills and talents needed to achieve its objectives. Thus, HR planning improves the quality of talent in the organization by identifying the skills and talents lacking in the workforce and then proposing training and recruiting strategies.
Lastly, HR planning supports organizational goals. The main objective of the HR planning process is to help the organization achieve its goals. Consequently, the HR planning process empha...
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