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Kemko Manufacturing: Principle Components and Simulation Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Case Study and Simulation Exercise

As directed last week, review the Portfolio Project prompt in the Module 8 folder and select which option you will complete for your final Portfolio Project. Then complete your first milestone as directed. Identify your milestone choice in the title of your submission.

Option #2: Kemko Manufacturing

Section 1: Principle Components Discussion

Section 2: Simulation Analysis for Scenario B

Section 3: Case Study Analysis based on the Kemko Manufacturing case study (Kerzner, 2022, p. 789)

For this Module 2 Portfolio Project Milestone, you must draft the framework of the Portfolio Project paper for the option you selected. This draft must be a properly organized CSU Global formatted paper with the following key elements:

• Cover page with designation of Portfolio Project option clearly designated.

• Paper title with designation of Portfolio Project option clearly designated.

• Introduction to include, as complete as possible, a brief descriptive overview of the Portfolio Project and a brief preface of your essay paper (one to three paragraphs).

• Main body of your essay paper with APA style section level 1 headings for:

o Section 1: Principle Components Discussion

For the first three “Section 1: Principle Components” bullet items, include a brief, yet substantive, synopsis of each item (typically, one to two paragraphs for each subsection level-2 bullet item):

 Project, Program, and Portfolio Management distinction

 Project Prioritization and Selection Criteria

 Project Charter (plus project charter template to be included in an appendix)

Additionally, develop a basic 1- to 2-page Project Charter template (merely a blank form) that could be used for small-to-medium size projects in a global organization. The intent is to demonstrate your comprehension of the components necessary for an effective project charter. Include your Project Charter template as an appendix in your paper

Note: All other section headers merely serve as place holders for future substantive content.

Section 2: Simulation Scenario Analysis

Section 3: Case Study Analysis

Include APA style section level 2 headings for bullet items or key elements within each main section.

• Conclusion (No content is required for the conclusion section of the Milestone assignment; it is merely a placeholder for now. You will complete this section in future Portfolio Milestones).

• Reference page(s) listing appropriate references cited; a minimum of three peer-reviewed or professionally published sources such as CSU Global library resources are required for this milestone submission, which may include the course textbook, the PMBOK® Guide, and designated readings in addition to your research. The CSU Global library (Links to an external site.) is a good place to locate these resources, and the Project Management Resources Guide (Links to an external site.) is a great place to start.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Option 2:
Kemko Manufacturing Case Study
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Due Date
Option 2:
Kemko Manufacturing Case Study
The success of any given company incorporates a strategic road map for success. The management team must be accountable for implementing these strategic initiatives to create a successful team development plan that will allow the business to succeed over time and meet its long-term goals (Brasil & Eggers, 2019). Kemko Manufacturing Company is a fifty-year-old that produces high-quality household appliances. Its rapid growth began during the early 2000s and has grown by acquiring other companies. It has acquired more companies and has grown to have more than 25 manufacturing plants in Asia, the United States, and Europe (Kerzner, 2022).
Given that work in these plants progresses as planned, each wants to maintain its culture and remain autonomous from the corporate at Kemko. However, Kemko cannot allow these plants to remain autonomous due to the growing pains as it continues to acquire more companies. Kemko manufacturing lacks standardization and expectations of employees' roles to be different than what Prisha tries to explain. Some plants assume that IT professionals have to prepare the required package. In contrast, the IT profession was responsible for understanding the needs as prepared by the plant representatives.
Section =1\*Roman I: Principle Components
Project, Program, and Portfolio Management Distinction
Kemko manufacturing needs to establish standardized procurement and inventory control systems across all the manufacturing plants to avoid the loss of corporate control over inventory taking a toll. Kemko Manufacturing was a fifty-year-old company well-known for producing high-quality household goods. Initially, Kemko enabled acquired manufacturing facilities to retain their independence from corporate as long as business proceeded according to schedule and they wanted to preserve their own cultures. Purchasing raw materials and maintaining inventory were handled differently by each organization. Because each factory had its procurement documentation, there was frequently confusion at corporate regarding the information on all forms.
Project Charter
An important part of any project is the project charter, which typically lays out a general overview of the project by providing the scope of the project, objectives, and responsibilities of the stakeholders (Starns, 2019). Kemko manufacturing worries about the scope creep, and Prisha says to the plant representatives that no scope will change on the project. The project objective is to improve standardization and operations to increase sales. The project aims to have no scope at all, according to Prasha, the IT director. The plant representatives ensure no scope changes and provide detailed project needs. The IT group must also understand the project's needs and finish their job.
Section =2\*Roman II: Simulation Scenario Analysis
A simulation scenario analysis is an important step in the process of undertaking a risk assessment. It will help identify and quantify the potential effect on the assessed system (Lepillier et al., 2019). Kemko manufacturing primarily offers household appliances. It has experienced growth over time by acquiring more companies in various continents. Kemko's management team is currently exploring strategies to turn these trends around with possible new changes to curb scope creep. For instance, Prisha, the IT director, eradicates the scope of the new project by asking the plant representatives to give detailed requirements packages. She will not allow the project ...
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