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Scalable Talent Management Plan in a Company

Essay Instructions:

Write a comprehensive overview of Human Resource Management. Explore methods of how organizations gain a sustainable advantage by Recruiting, Selecting, and Developing a flexible highly skilled/diverse worktorce.

You have reviewed the development of a functional and practical understanding of HR programs and their overall impact to emplovees. organizations and the community.


You are the newly hired HR Leader for a top company in Silicon Valley. CA that is forecasting an extreme expansion in their organization within the next 3 years. The organization has recently enjoyed considerable growth over the past vear. and as a result of this growth. the demands. expectations. and the workload has increased. In December, they are expecting a mass exit of the Baby Boomers generation due to the change in Retirement benefits in January. Although, a significant population of the workforce is in the Boomer's age group of 52-70; the expansion and growth prediction is rising. To add, the workforce has gone fully remote and the the demands expectations and the workload has increased.

To be consistent with the organization's mission, vision, and goals, your CEO has given a directive to you & your HR team to strategically ensure the organization is prepared for the influx of employees who are exiting other organization. This will require the team to research. strategize, hire while ensuring training/development for top talent and new hires. This will also require Human Resources to offer a strategic plan to deliver on the goals the CEO’s has set forth
Assignment (36 pts. total):

Building from your HRM Plan Reports 1 & 2 (20 pts.):

1. Write a 5-8 page (APA Style) Strategic Plan paper summarizing the processes you will take to accomplish your directive (indicated above in the background). Ensure that you have included:

1. Mission, Vision, and Goals

2. Strategies

3. HR departments (you will ensure are included in the organization

4. Include concepts you have leamed throughout this course.

2. In addition to your written report create a PowerPoint presentation to highlight your paper/organization (6 slides minimum) (16 pts).

Be creative with your project, your company can be real or fictitious. Use and cite research, including the textbook and other sources, ensure to build a case for your strategic human resource management strategic plan and recommendation (s). Include extensive use of relevant textbook terms and concepts. Please ensure

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Scalable Talent Management Plan in Company Y



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In our department we are faced with a unique problem on the human resource management front that necessitates the need to adapt our hiring strategies in the coming years to ensure we build a scalable and adaptable talent. We are expecting a mass exit from the company of the baby boomer generation and we ought to aggressively scale our workforce for the next three years to meet our strategic objectives. Thus, we need to focus on a plan that will help us hire and retain top talent to avoid high turnover and improve the productivity of the employees. Thus, we need to galvanize our new recruitment approach to ensure we attract top talent who are culturally fit for our organizational goals and organizational values.

Selection process

Talent attraction strategy

To select, we must first attract. It is important that we attract the right candidates for various respective positions in our company. We can advertise our positions and end up attracting poor talent into the company whose adverse effects compound with time. Therefore, we must build a compelling employer value proposition. Studies have shown that most job seekers thoroughly assess a company’s reputation before applying (Auger, et al., 2013). Thus, we must become a company where top talents want to come and work for. Thus, we need to ensure that our company culture and values aim for genuine connection with the top talents. Secondly, we must also build a labor system around our people ensuring metric based remuneration standards and salary transparency and other benefits like paid time off (PTO) and growth opportunities. This will attract a stronger influx of top-tier candidates into the organization.

Recruitment Process

A good sustainable plan starts with good hiring plan. Since we expect 

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