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Corporate Ventures

Essay Instructions:

Required Essays

ESSAY # 1 (35 points)

Discuss and Analyze Growth Paths for Corporate Ventures in terms of Markets and Products. Figure 1.1 Discuss each quadrant’s definition in your own words and provide well researched real-world examples for quadrant and why they illustrate the chosen quadrant.

ESSAY # 2 (25 points)

Discuss the roles i.e. Technical Innovator that must be filled on a Venture Team in your own words. Discuss each role with well researched real-world examples.

ESSAY # 3 (25 points)

Discuss and analyze the Six Major Levels of Locations of Ventures. Discuss the Pros and Cons of each. Discuss real-world examples

Optional – Extra Credit Essay

ESSAY # 4 (25 points) -

Discuss the Seven Major Venture Types in your own words. Discuss each type and provide well researched real-world examples for each and why they illustrate the chosen Venture Type.

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Growth Paths for Corporate Ventures in Terms of Markets and Products


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Discuss and Analyze Growth Paths for Corporate Ventures in terms of Markets and Products.


The growth path for corporate venture with reference to product and market is well explained through a market-product mix. Figure 1.1, of the text perfectly outlines four key quadrants that represent different growth strategies. The four distinct quadrants are: Market Penetration, New Market Development, Diversification, and Developing New Products (Tsatsoula, 2018). Each of the four quadrant offers ventures a unique approach necessary to navigate the complex business landscape.

Greater Market Penetration

In this quadrant, the focus for companies is to increase the market share using an existing but established product. Often times, a market penetration strategy is done changing the existing marketing mix, for example, by adjusting companies pricing tactics or even increasing promotional efforts (Gurcaylilar-Yenidogan & Aksoy, 2018). A real-world example is Coca-Cola’s strategy to continue maintaining and growing its market dominance in soft drink business. Even though it is an old company, the company continually implements innovative marketing and branding campaigns that has seen it sustain and expand its market share.

Developing New Markets

In this quadrant, the goal is to introduce a new product(s) to an existing market. This 

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