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Research Desing Assignment

Essay Instructions:
Assignment II is aligned to Module II of the unit, and builds upon Assignment I. Each student will develop aresearch design to address the research problem proposed in Assignment 1. The research design will outline how the researchproject will be undertaken through quantitative methods, qualitative methods, or mixed methods, involving primary and/orsecondary data collection. It should explain why the methods are appropriate for answering the research questions, and howthe data is going to be collected, analysed, interpreted, and displayed, including data sources (e.g., Census, interviews, surveys) and analytical approaches (e.g., descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, content analysis). There should be a clearlogical relationship between the research questions and the research methods—articulated through texts, visuals, or diagrams—to achieve reliable and trustworthy results. The research design should also provide a brief project management plan,including resources, timeline, feasibility, and risk management. The suggested word length is 2,000 words (suggested only; can be flexible pending on individual projects), including references. The APA referencing style should be used.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
E-Learning Impact: Post-Pandemic Australia (Research Design) Student’s Name Professor’s Name Institution Date E-Learning Impact: Post-Pandemic Australia (Research Design) The research design will be a mixed-methods approach that probes into the effect of online learning on Australian education during the post-COVID-19 period. This study will integrate the quantitative surveys with comprehensive qualitative focus groups and interviews, which enable a wide perspective on how the transformational adoption of online learning influences student enrollment, success in their studies, and socioeconomic industry impact. Depicting the research as longitudinal implies following the transformations through time, and this allows more effective conclusions about the current position and in the long run (Saldana, 2003). The design provides a substantial data collection and analysis structure, which relies on digital tools to maximize the spread and engagement. Plano Clark (2017) argues, in contrast, that the methodology of tools is rigorous, and they are chosen in such a way as to ensure the reliability and validity of the findings.  Research Methods This study will use a mixed-method approach involving quantitative and qualitative techniques. It will explore the question of e-learning post-COVID-19 in Australia’s education sector. The outcome of this strategy includes a detailed discussion of the enrolment patterns, academic outcomes, and effect of the shift in e-learning. Quantitative Component Survey Design The quantitative part of this research will be undertaken using a structured survey comprising closed- and open-ended questions. Integrating open questions coupled with Likert scales and multiple-choice probes gives the audience more detailed quantitative results and the qualitative information necessary for a comprehensive evaluation (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). Closed-ended questions would seek to obtain the demographic data, the direct measurements of the student’s satisfaction and e-learning effectiveness, and e-learning specifics which are frequency of e-learning, duration of e-learning, and platforms used. E-learning is a relatively new educational experience for university students (Tong et al., 2022). Open-ended questions will tackle the challenges and success of this type of learning, as well as its perception on their career and academic prospects. The survey will be kept short and to the point, targeting around five minutes of completion time to achieve a higher frequency of responses. It will be delivered online via a platform that guarantees mobile-friendly performance on different devices, creating a higher participation rate. Sampling Strategy This research sample will comprise students enrolled in universities of different Australian regions at the time of the survey. It will be achieved by stratified random sampling to ensure the representation of different students’ backgrounds and social statuses is well set. According to Ivankova et al. (2006), such a method entails the formation of different strata among students based on the main demographic features, including age, location, and the field of study, with a subsequent selection of students from each group that forms the study sample. Therefore, the design of representative and balanced samples will ensure that each population subgroup is sufficiently representative. Ultimately, it will bring generalizability to the results. Qualitative Component Interview and Focus Group Design The qualitative component of the study will involve interviews and focus groups to capture detailed information about the student’s experiences/reviews of e-learning. The use of semi-structured interviews will give room to the discussion. Hence, participants can look into their experiences using the interview guide as a framework. The interview guide includes reviewing and follow-up questions to ensure that each topic in the research is covered properly (Greene, 2007). Also, it will leave room for more questions based on the way interviewees answer. The focus groups will serve as a platform for dialogue among the participants. Such groups can create everyday experiences and shared views and reveal possible issues of being different or having diverse subjects (Williams et al., 2020). Each focus group will consist of 5-7 participants and will be guided by a moderator to ensure that discussions remain on topic and that all participants have the opportunity to contribute. Participant Selection Participants for the qualitative part of the study will be purposively selected from three prominent universities in major Australian cities. This purposive sampling will target a diverse student population, with representation from different faculties, years of study, and backgrounds. This diversity is essential to capture a wide range of experiences and opinions regarding e-learning (Sarker et al., 2022). Criteria for selection will include willingness to participate, experience with e-learning during the pandemic, and demographic diversity. Proposed Questions: Questionnaire and Interview Schedule Questionnaire for Surveying Enrolment Levels * Have you enrolled in any online courses since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic? * What were the primary factors influencing your decision to enroll in these courses? * How do you rate the accessibility of online learning platforms provided by your institution? * Since the onset of the pandemic, have you faced any challenges that affected your ability to enroll in or continue your education? Interview Questions for Academic Outcomes and Industry Impacts First Round (End of 1st Semester) * How has your transition to online learning affected your study habits and academic performance? * Can you describe any specific academic challenges or advantages you have experienced with online learning compared to in-person classes? * In what ways does online learning influence your career prospects and skills development? Second Round (End of 2nd Semester) * Have your views or experiences regarding online learning changed since our last discussion? If so, how? * Reflecting on your academic performance over the past year, how do you perceive the impact of continued online learning? * What long-term impacts (if any) do you foresee for your chosen industry due to shifts towards online education? Data Collection The data collection process for this study is accurately planned to be executed in two distinct phases. This technique will enable a longitudinal evaluation of the impacts of e-learning during the post-COVID-19 era in Australian education. This dual-phase approach is designed to capture students' immediate and evolving perceptions...
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