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Measuring Ethical Behavior

Essay Instructions:
In Module 4, you developed a tool to measure ethical behavior in the workplace. In this assignment, you will distribute the tool to at least five people in your organization. You will collect data and report on the findings in a 2- to 3-page executive summary for an executive leadership team. Step 1 Early in the week, use your selected digital platform to distribute your ethical behavior tool to at least five people in your organization. Remember that you need their responses in time to analyze and report on the findings in your assignment. Step 2 Compile and analyze the data you collected from the tool. Relate the results to module readings and presentations and additional research about organizational ethical behavior. Step 3 Access the ACE Executive Summary Template to use for this assignment. Use the template to report on your findings. Support your selection of the tool type and your data analysis with APA-formatted in-text citations from your research. Include graphics, such as tables or charts, to illustrate the data. Conclude your summary by recommending strategies for the organization to improve ethical behavior in the workplace. Step 4 Submit your work as one document with an APA-formatted reference page and in-text citations. Information from assignment 4 Measuring Ethical Behavior in an Organization Step 1 In particular, there are numerous tools that can be used to measure ethical behavior in my organization. Since I work in a firm that offers services to people, the best ethical measurement tool to use is a questionnaire, which can be distributed via emails to the target audience. In addition, to promote the effectiveness of my questionnaire, I will combine open-ended, closed-ended, and Likert scale so that I can capture appropriate feedback from the participants. Step 2 1. Using a scale of 1 to 5 [1=strongly agree and 5=strongly disagree], rate the following statement: "I believe that ethical actions are portrayed by managers and senior leaders in our company." 2. Please indicate how you observe ethical dilemmas being addressed effectively in our workplace: [Tick relevant answer] [Scarcely, Possibly, Quite Often, Very Often, Ever] 3. To what degree are you likely to bring to light the unethical behavior that you have seen or observed? [Tick relevant answer] [Very Likely, Likely, Average, Unlikely, Very Unlikely] 4. Does the firm offer sufficient training or counseling on ethical conduct in the workplace? [Tick relevant answer] [Yes, No, Unsure] 5. How much do you perceive us to be transparent in our communication about ethical standards and our expectations of these standards? [Tick relevant answer] [Not Transparent, Slightly Transparent, Moderately Transparent, Very Transparent, Absolutely Transparent] 6. From your standpoint, how well does the organization hold people in check for unethical behavior? [Tick relevant answer] [Very Good, Good, Neutral, Bad Very Bad] 7. Can you give me an illustration of ethically good behavior represented in our firm lately? 8. What obstacles, if any, prevent the actions that promote ethical behavior in our organization? 9. How would you evaluate the overall ethical climate within our organization? [Tick relevant answer] [Very Poor, Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent] 10. How can we contribute to strengthening our business's ethical culture? Note: Please respond to the questions above as truthfully as possible and to the best of your ability. Your opinion is highly appreciated and will be used to evaluate and strengthen ethical values, behaviors, and norms in our company. Step 3 The ethical measurement tool developed in Step 2 will be used to evaluate ethical behaviors in our organization. Notably, this tool will be distributed to the target audience via email. Once the participants receive it, they are expected to answer the questions and submit it within 7 days. Respondents are highly advised to read the questions carefully and give answers based on their experiences at the firm. Most importantly, participants are encouraged not to indicate their names or any other personal information. The most significant thing is to get the correct feedback without necessarily who wrote it since the questionnaires are meant to improve ethical behaviors and values in our organization. Besides, the shared feedback will not be published on the Internet and it will be used only for purposes of improving operational efficiency by modifying issues relating to unethical behaviors. The best platform to use is Google Forms. Step 4 Dear Participants, As a component of our plan to create a decent work atmosphere with positive ethical principles in our organization, we are assessing and determining the present situation of ethical behaviors in our organization. Your contribution to this study is crucial for understanding the factors influencing ethical behaviors in the working environment. This survey is anonymous, and your answers will be kept confidential. Please give the correct feedback, as it will form the basis of improving our firm by creating a culture of integrity and ethical behavior. The sole purpose of this survey is to evaluate the ethical behavior of employees, including leaders, senior, and junior workers. As such, feel free to share relevant information since it will not be used in anything else apart from improving our organization. Specifying the strong and weak sides of ethics will contribute to the development of future strategies and programs tailored to sustain an ethical working environment. We are grateful for your consideration of sparing your time to complete our survey before the stated deadline. Overall, your feedback will play a key role in our initiatives to uphold our company's business culture of integrity and ethical behavior. Thank you for your participation.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
[Note: An executive summary serves this purpose for the reader: “…tell me, as thoroughly as possible, without wasting a word, only the information important to me so that I can decide on whatever you expect of me” (Vassallo, 2003). Keep the reader in mind for content, tone, and design, and adjust this template as needed.] Vassallo, P. (2003). Executive summaries: Where less really is more. ETC: A Review of General Semantics, 60(1), 83–90. [Company/Proposition or Project Name] Executive Summary "Fostering a Unified Culture of Ethical Excellence" INTRODUCTION The "Employee Ethical Behavior Survey" shows that various opinions and methods concerning ethics exist within our organization. This is an executive summary that concludes the survey data to develop a strategy for the report on strengthening the ethical culture of our company. The primary objective of the full report is to shed light on personnel issues with their ethical attitudes and behaviors, comparing them with our corporate values to convey clear standards of integrity and transparency. OPPORTUNITY or PROBLEM Summarizing the survey results indicates that our staff differs in how ethical behaviors are perceived. For example, in response to Question 1, 40% of the participants reported that ethical leadership was positive (Participants 1 and 3), while 60% of the participants felt neutral or had doubts about the ethics shown by the leadership (Participants 2, 4, and 5). On the other hand, some workers feel that ethical dilemmas are usually addressed (Participant 1, Q2), but others hold that these situations often are not handled well (Participant 4, Q2). Such incoherence makes apparent a critical chance of standardizing ethical perception and enforcement of the firm that is indispensable to creating a consolidated corporate culture based on trust (Takhathi, 2021). SOLUTION or RECOMMENDATION The Ethics Enhancement ...
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