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Essay Instructions:
Format: The essay will adhere to the format provided in the marking guide.APA 7th style referencingLinks to an external site. will be used to cite any materials used in writing the essay Presentation: 12 pt. font, 1.5 line spacing and single sided TOPIC: The global hospitality industry faces many challenges, identify and explain a major contemporary issue that you think significantly affects the global hospitality industry and how a deeper understanding of hospitality can help organisation management address the issues identified. You must select 1 contemporary issue as highlighted from course lecture weeks 5 and 6 Covid 19 is not to be used as the topic for this essay In your essay you are required to :- 1. Clearly define and explain a contemporary issue, in your own words (paraphrasing – do not use direct quotes) using appropriate academic sources 2. Discuss how the contemporary issue has an impact on the hospitality industry (what challenges and what impacts are are associated with the issue) 3. Discuss one (1) perspective of hospitality that can help managers overcome the challenges identified above You may use a variety of relevant sources (videos, websites etc.) However, you are required to use at least six (6) peer reviewed academic journal articles to support your essay. 10 Issues and Challenges https://www(dot)hospitalitynet(dot)org/editorial/4025771.html
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Global Hospitality Industry Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor’s Name Due Date The Global Hospitality Industry In contemporary society, the hospitality industry is arguably one of the global economy's largest and most dynamic sectors. The sector is also associated with generating a significant percent of the total GDP and providing millions of job opportunities, hence the overall contribution to global employment. Nonetheless, despite the hospitality industry being dynamic, it faces several challenges that disrupt its performance and ability to deliver to its clients. One of these challenges is the changing labor conditions. A close examination of this industry shows that changing labor conditions affect its operations since it faces human resource and labor challenges that include union issues, a shrinking labor force, and escalating health care and benefit costs. Having identified changing labor conditions as one of the pressing challenges in the contemporary hospitality industry, the paper will critically explore this problem by defining and explaining the issue, discussing how it impacts the industry, and one hospitality perspective that managers can utilize to overcome the identified challenge. Clear Definition and Explanation of The Contemporary Issue Among the various challenges facing the modern-day hospitality industry, changing labor conditions is one of the leading issues that adversely affect its performance. Hospitality Net (2024) expounds on this by noting that the three issues pertinent to this challenge are the union problem, compression or shrinking of the labor force, as well as escalating health care and benefit costs. The issue of labor force comprehension is linked to the fact that the traditional labor force in this industry has been shrinking significantly due to changing demographics. Specifically, today's world is experiencing slowed population growth rates, an increased number of aged people, and few people in the working age bracket. As a result of these factors, the number of people available for employment in this sector is relatively low. Secondly, unionization issues are major limiting factors in this industry since the growing number of unions and their focus on employees' interests pose notable challenges related to hospitality operations. Lastly, the immigration problem and temporary working visas are issues that jeopardize the quality of workers employed in the industry. Immigration is a global problem that has led to imposing stringent migration policies, decreasing the overall foreign workforce. This occurrence drives the hospitality industry to depend on alternate sources of workers, which may sometimes prove inadequate. Baral (2018) examines the issue further by noting that one of the most pressing issues in the hotel and restaurant industry is staffing issues. Businesses in this sector are struggling with recruitment difficulties as well as high turnover rates. Consequently, this results in challenges in filling open positions ...
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