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Reflect on your Learning and growth

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Reflection on Learning and Growth Student’s name Name of institution Course name and number Instructor’s name Due date * Introduction This reflection describes my initial soft skills and leadership qualities at the beginning of the semester, followed by my learning experiences throughout the course. This reflection offers insights into my leadership development shaped by the content and theories I learned in the course. It helped me recognize the broader role of leadership besides power and control: inspire, develop, and encourage others through empathy, adaptability, accountability and social awareness. * Reflection on Initial Soft Skills and Leadership Abilities My initial soft skills and leadership abilities at the beginning of the semester comprised strong communication skills. For example, I volunteered to present our team project in the last course. I conducted my presentation successfully, proposing several new brand promotion strategies. I perceived my communication skills as a critical asset. I take pride in being a highly responsible person accountable for my work, meeting deadlines, and taking responsibility for my work. I deemed myself as a reliable person who always fulfils his commitments. I assumed to have basic leadership skills where I initiate things and had problem-solving skills with strong communication skills and accountability during the course; I realized there are certain areas for improvement as my leadership skills lack critical elements, including empathy, adaptability, conflict management, and emotional intelligence. The self-assessment insight helped me recognize that my ability to accomplish tasks must be coupled with compassion and emotional intelligence to connect, inspire, and engage with my team. I find it challenging to connect with my team members personally. The self-reflection during the course helped me identify my leadership style as task-driven, so I was required to follow an empathetic approach with my peers. * Description of Learning Throughout the Course The learning throughout the course was based on my exposure to different theories of leadership, key concepts and insights into t...
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