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Week 4 Journal

Essay Instructions:
Madame Fromage's Fine Cheeses is an international company. The business works with local farmers in several countries to ethically source and manufacture high-end cheese products for sale and distribution worldwide via high-end grocery stores, specialty shops, and online markets. The Board of Directors (hereinafter "the Board") wants to oust their current CEO, but because of contractual obligations that would create a messy and expensive situation they have elected to mediate instead. The Board has several issues with the CEO's performance. Apparently, he is difficult to locate when they need him, as he is always working remotely or out in the field, rather than in his office at Madame Fromage headquarters. Not only do they find it hard to communicate with him, but his absence from the office also leaves the staff unsupervised. The Board believes this style of management is too "relaxed", and employees should be given more direction. Finally, the CEO was hired during a boom period in which they could afford the high salary he commanded due to his successful career at the helm of other fine food companies. Unfortunately, sales and revenues have decreased steadily over the past two years. The Board feels this is due to the CEO's absence and lack of employee supervision and direction, as well as his lack of innovation and failure to institute changes to keep the company on top of the market. It has also created a situation in which they can no longer pay his high salary. The CEO has a different perspective. According to him, he is always in the office when it is necessary to be there. However, he feels it is important for him to telecommute. He thinks it's important to visit the company's contracted cheese farms and manufacturers and look for new and more innovative producers and methods of cheese making to remain current. As concerns the employees, he maintains he hires talented, experienced staff that do not need his micro-management. He feels that he should trust them and allow them the space to do their jobs, which in turn will ensure employees stay for the long term. He agrees that revenues are down, but maintains that this is due to the overall change in the worldwide economy, as well as the fact that mainstream grocery stores have begun carrying house brands of fine cheeses. While those products aren't as fine as Madame Fromage products, they are less expensive and more readily available to the consumer. Therefore, he feels he cannot be blamed for the loss of revenue. He feels he's worth every penny of his salary. Imagine you are the mediator for this conflict. Identify the mediable issues in the above scenario. Frame those issues for discussion and negotiation in the language you find most productive. This will require you to: Focus on the issues in dispute in this case, reflect on how you would phrase them in a neutral way, and actually put them into the language you would use to open the conversation. Important Considerations: As per the rubric, you will have to use and clearly identify sources in your work. For the purpose of this assignment, you may simply supply a reference page identifying at least one source you consulted in order to understand and complete this assignment. No in-text citations are necessary. Because of the nature of this assignment, your responses to this prompt will not require them. Please make sure you isolate the issues in the case, rather than explaining each party’s perspective or summarizing the fact pattern. When considering how to frame the issues to open the negotiation, imagine yourself in the position of the neutral mediator, reviewing what you have identified as the issues for the parties before you can begin negotiations. Examples have been provided for your review, and can be found in the PDF document provided as one of your resources. Resources: Textbook: Chapters 11-12, The Mediation Process, Christopher W. Moore ExamplesDownload Examples Preparing for your Mediation (framing)Links to an external site. Reframing: The Essence of MediationLinks to an external site. ReframingLinks to an external site. Keys to Mediator Success: Issue Identification, Exploring Options, and BrainstormingLinks to an external site. Rubric Journal Rubric (PSY/ORG) Journal Rubric (PSY/ORG) Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent & Analysis 45 pts EXEMPLARY Offers a lucid and logical argument or observation (dependent upon assignment). Points are supported by unit materials, learnings and resources. The content of the work is well developed and the ideas are explained and accurate. ALL elements of the instructions are addressed. 41 pts GOOD Argument or observations are present, but are not fully developed. Ideas are explained and accurate. ALL elements of the instructions are addressed. 37 pts SATISFACTORY Argument or observations are attempted, but lack clarity and/or ideas are not developed and explained. ALL elements of the instructions are addressed. 33 pts MARGINAL Summary and description are present, but analysis and logical argument or observations are not. Not all elements of the instructions were addressed. 28 pts UNSATISFACTORY No logical argument or observations present. Not all elements of the instructions were addressed. 45 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Evidence 35 pts Used and clearly identified sources from the unit materials or independent research that effectively supported and enhanced ideas. Sources are clearly cited in-text and in a properly APA-formatted resource page. 32 pts Used and clearly identified sources and some/ most sources used clearly enhanced and supported ideas. Sources are cited in-text and in a properly APA-formatted resource page. 29 pts Ideas and conclusions are in line with the week’s learning materials and resources, and resources are incorrectly cited (e.g. no in-text citation and improperly formatted resource page) 26 pts Ideas and conclusions are partially supported by the week’s learning materials and resources, and resources are incorrectly cited (e.g. no in-text citation and improperly formatted resource page) 22 pts Ideas and conclusions are not in line with the week’s learning materials and resources. No sources were used or the ones used do not support/enhance ideas. 35 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization & Structure 5 pts Organization is sequential and appropriate. Paragraphs are well developed and divided. Ideas are linked and smooth transitions are present. 4.5 pts Organization is competent. Paragraphs are appropriately used, but some transitions are not smooth. 4 pts Organization is attempted but is not sequential and/or appropriate. Paragraphs are used, but some are not appropriate and/or transitions are not smooth. 3.5 pts Organization, if evident at all, is weak and disjointed. Paragraphs, if used, are weak and transitions are lacking. 3 pts No organization and structure present. 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics & Style 10 pts Virtually free of punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors. 9 pts Occasional (1-2) independent punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors. 8 pts Several (3-5) independent punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors. 7 pts Numerous (6-8) independent punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors. 6 pts An overabundance (9+) of independent punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar 5 pts Sentences are structured effectively and vary in length and style. 4.5 pts Most sentences are structure effectively and vary in length and style. Occasional (1-2 sentences) contain independent structural deficiencies. For example, simple sentences, run-ons, and poor sentence flow. 4 pts Sentences contain several (3-5 sentences) independent structural deficiencies. For example, simple sentences, run-ons, and poor sentence flow. 3.5 pts Sentences contain numerous (6-8) independent structural deficiencies. For example, simple sentences, run-ons, and poor sentence flow. 3 pts Sentence structure throughout paper made it difficult and/or impossible to read. There were an overabundance (9 or more sentences) of independent structural deficiencies. For example, simple sentences, run-ons, and poor sentence flow. 5 pts Total Points: 100
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Mediating Leadership Conflicts at Madame Fromage Student Instructor Institution Course and Code Date Mediating Leadership Conflicts at Madame Fromage Introduction When mediating the conflict between the Board of Directors and the CEO of Madame Fromage’s Fine Cheeses, one needs to work with the conflict but not be part of it. My position is to facilitate the conditions for such cooperation to define the issue and satisfy at least one of the parties. The fundamental mediable problems can be framed as follows: 1 Management Style and Communication Challenges The first issue relates to the conflict between management’s philosophies and the openness of the chief executive officer. The Board has recently raised some issues about the CEO’s extended time off the office, thus limiting interaction with the rest of the staff. They believe this leads to a lack of purpose and supervision, which are crucial to efficiency and the conservation of order. On the other hand, the CEO feels that working remotely and occasionally visiting farms is necessary to keep the company innovative and ensure quality cheeses are produced. He quantifies the management style that he adopts in organizations as providing toil discretion and freedom to employees in the understanding that they can perform their tasks without supervision. Framing for Discussion “How can we address the Board’s concerns about communication and supervision while respecting the CEO’s belief in the value of remote work and empowering staff? What strategies can be implemented to ensure that both effective oversight and employee autonomy are balanced?” 2 Declining Revenue and Market Challenges The second problem relates to continuous sales and revenue decreases in the following two years. The Board blames this decline on the CEO, urging that there was no direction, innovation, or staff awareness. Some think that his managerial approach harms the company’s ability to remain effective. On the other hand, the CEO says that the decline is attributable to factors outside his company’s control, most arising from the economic downturn, which has intensified the competition from mainstream grocery...
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