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Reaction Paper on Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk (Management Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Video Reaction Paper

The goal of this project is to have students think about self-esteem differently and realize the application to their own lives.

Write a 3-page reaction paper on Amy Cuddy’s Tedtalk https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_shapes_who_you_are?language=en

In your reaction paper please be sure to include the following:

Title and speaker of the Tedtalk

Summary of the Tedtalk

Overall impression of the Tedtalk

Specific parts of it that you liked or found challenging, including the reason why you felt this way

Do you think the Tedtalk has merit - does it seem valid? Why?

How does what Cuddy says relate to what you have learned about self-esteem in the eText? Be specific using examples from the video and concepts/ideas from the eText.

How would be able to apply Cuddy’s ideas to your own life? Be specific, give examples, and fully explain them.

Would you recommend this Tedtalk? Why?

12-point font, Times Roman, double-spaced) Only papers submitted on a Microsoft Word document through Turnitin will be accepted.

You will be graded on the following:

Thoroughness: Did student cover information above? Up to 40 points

Specific & detailed: Did student use examples from the Tedtalk and from eText? Did student fully explain ideas? Up to 35 points

Writing: Is the paper clearly written and free of spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors? Are paragraphs used to separate ideas? Is body of paper at least 3 pages (12-point font, Times Roman, double-spaced)? Up to 25 points

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reaction Paper on Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk
Reaction Paper on Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk
The title of the TED Talk by Amy Cuddy is Your body language can shape who you are. Cuddy (2012) explores the topic of body language and reveals different body pauses and their impact on humans and animals. The idea could mean that any person’s body language defines who they are at the moment and, again, what will unfold for them in the next subsequent events in life. According to Cuddy (2012), body language says much about people their eventual actions. While specific postures reveal the power, others show the ideal feeling of powerlessness. The two different stances are identified by the mere approach someone may make in an office, class, or even a meeting. While some people participate well and continuously, others may not even say a word (Cuddy, 2012). Whatever happens in such situations is entirely determined by the thought and posture processing before the actual action. People with powerful postures are likely to be successful in most of their engagements because they have already felt like they have possessed what they were desiring and looking for before the event.
The TED Talk is excellent in revealing the impact of body language on who and what a person could become. Anyone watching and listening would agree that it is informing and fabulous in the intended purpose of educating people on their body postures. Consequently, it is bound to impact people to change how they feel about themselves considering various issues, just by shifting their body postures (Cuddy, 2012). Most people have failed not because they did not know or have content on a specific thing but due to their presentation. For instance, the impression people make during interviews determine whether they will pass or not. Some people may not have the desire and enough content required for the interview, but they entirely succeed based on their appearance. Appearing to a panel looking sharp and confident is enough evidence that people know what they want from the interview and are guaranteed to get it (Cuddy, 2012). Therefore, Cuddy encourages the audience to change how they feel about themselves using powerful body postures and watch themselves entirely succeed even before they know it’s happening.
Some parts of the talk are intriguing and challenging. According to (Cuddy 2012), if making a robust posture before getting into an interview room can guarantee people jobs, why not d...
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